
Exasperated Singaporean Son Calls Out Toxic Parental Pressure on Social Media


SINGAPORE: A local man recently sought advice on social media about his parents’ overwhelming financial demands that have left him feeling stressed and unappreciated.

In an anonymous post on the confessions platform NUSWhispers, he expressed his frustration after spending years supporting his working parents with a monthly allowance, lavish gifts during festivities, and fully subsidized annual overseas trips.

Financial Expectations and Personal Struggles

Despite his generous contributions, the man revealed that his parents labeled him as "useless" and "unfilial" for not earning a monthly salary of S$10,000—something he feels is unattainable at this stage of his career. He lamented, "I don’t understand why they treat me like that," emphasizing that attempts to discuss his financial situation ended in further accusations of inadequacy.

Independence and Voices of Support

Remarkably, he has been financially independent since his junior college years, earning money from part-time jobs and funding his university education through a scholarship. His determination to support his parents has now seemingly turned into verbal abuse, prompting him to reach out for guidance.

Advice from Netizens

In response to his concerns, sympathetic netizens provided several perspectives on dealing with toxic familial relationships. One commenter suggested that if his parents continued their unreasonable demands, he could consider moving out and supporting them only to the extent he deemed affordable. "Peace and happiness are worth much more than years of abuse," they said.

Broader Conversations on Mental Health

Other advice included maintaining financial independence and managing the relationship boundaries. One individual recounted their own experience of alleviating parental expectations after moving out, stating that distance allowed them to pursue their career without constant pressures from their family.

The issue of parental pressure has resonated with others, leading to a broader discussion on mental health and the emotional toll placed on individuals when familial expectations clash with personal capabilities. "Toxic parents are real," lamented one netizen, emphasizing the struggle many face in balancing their needs against family obligations.

Reflecting on Family Dynamics

An earlier case echoed similar sentiments: A woman who confronted her parents about favoritism towards her sibling revealed her own struggles with childhood trauma and unequal treatment, further highlighting the complex dynamics within familial relationships.

Such stories have sparked a conversation in Singapore about the modern challenges faced by young adults in supporting their families while also pursuing their own happiness and independence in an increasingly expensive world. As rising costs make self-sufficiency more challenging, many are questioning the traditional expectations placed upon them, paving the way for a refreshed dialogue on family dynamics and mental health in the region.