
5 Sneaky Signs of High Blood Sugar You Need to Watch Out For!


Have you been feeling off lately?

You might not realize it, but high blood sugar could be the culprit lurking beneath the surface. Dr. Libu Varughese, an endocrinologist and medical advisor at Aeroflow Diabetes, emphasizes that mildly elevated blood sugar often creeps up so slowly that individuals may not notice any symptoms until it becomes a more significant issue.

What Are Normal Blood Sugar Levels?

For context, normal blood sugar levels range from 70 to 99 milligrams of sugar per deciliter of blood while fasting, and below 140 mg/dL after meals. However, as technology progresses, there are now numerous wearable devices that provide real-time monitoring of your blood sugar levels, which could be a game-changer for managing your health.

While occasional spikes in blood sugar can be harmless, persistent high blood sugar—known as hyperglycemia—can set the stage for serious conditions like prediabetes and type 2 diabetes if left unchecked.

Here Are 5 Warning Signs You Shouldn’t Ignore:
1. Unexplained Fatigue

Feeling unusually tired despite a decent night’s sleep? This could indicate elevated blood sugar levels. It’s essential to distinguish fatigue from other health issues, so if you notice a pattern, it might be time to consult a doctor. Insulin resistance can make you feel sluggish as your body struggles to regulate energy.

2. Frequent Urination

If you find yourself making more trips to the bathroom, it could be a sign that your kidneys are working overtime to eliminate excess glucose from your bloodstream. Pay attention to any disruptions in your normal bathroom routine, as this could be your body signaling a need for medical evaluation.

3. Chronic Thirst

High blood sugar can cause dehydration. As glucose builds up, your body attempts to expel it through urine, taking precious water along with it. If you can’t quench your thirst no matter how much you drink, this may warrant a conversation with your doctor.

4. Slow Healing Wounds

Cuts and scrapes that take longer to heal might be more than just an inconvenience; they can be a significant indicator of high blood sugar. When glucose levels are high, circulation and the immune response can be compromised, leading to prolonged healing processes and susceptibility to infections.

5. Unexplained Weight Loss

While many associate weight gain with diabetes, sudden weight loss can also be a red flag, especially for type 1 diabetes. When the body starts losing calories through urine due to excess sugar, it can lead to unintentional weight loss—even in those who are eating more than usual.

Don’t Wait—Take Action Now!

If you recognize any of these symptoms, it’s crucial to make an appointment with your healthcare provider for blood sugar testing. Dr. Varughese advises that adopting lifestyle changes, such as reducing sugar and carbohydrate intake, increasing physical activity, and minimizing stress, can significantly contribute to balanced blood sugar levels.

Empower Yourself with Knowledge!

A nutritious diet, regular exercise, and proper sleep are all interconnected strategies that can help manage blood sugar and enhance overall well-being, according to Barbara Eichorst, a registered dietitian with the American Diabetes Association.

Stay on top of your health—recognizing these warning signs early can make all the difference in preventing severe health issues down the line. Don’t let high blood sugar sneak up on you!