
Rossif Sutherland’s Poignant Connection to His Iconic Father in 'Murder in a Small Town'



In a touching twist of fate, Rossif Sutherland has found an unexpected connection to his celebrated father, Donald Sutherland, through his recent role in the gripping series *Murder in a Small Town*. The show, which premiered on September 24, features Rossif as compassionate sheriff Karl Alberg—a character his father had once been slated to portray in a never-released film adaptation nearly thirty years ago.

A Meaningful Conversation

Reflecting on a conversation he had with Donald before his father's passing on June 20, Rossif shared: "As I started to describe Karl as I saw him, my dad said, ‘Wait, what is this? I know those books.’" This serendipitous connection has brought a sense of closure and nostalgia to Rossif's artistic journey. "I became an actor because of him," he added, revealing the profound impact Donald had on his career and life.

Childhood and Career

Sutherland, born in 1978, spent much of his childhood with a father often absent from home due to a demanding acting career that spanned over 40 films, including classics such as *Animal House* and *JFK*. This absence created a complex relationship where Rossif knew Donald primarily through his cinematic roles rather than as a father. "Film was his other family, and it was very much his home," Rossif explained, highlighting how he perceived his dad as a two-dimensional figure on screen.

Physical Resemblance and Education

Now standing at 6’5”, Rossif has certainly inherited his father's striking looks, including a magnificent head of hair and a captivating voice resonant with emotion. His time at Princeton University further fueled his passion for acting, especially after Donald expressed his pride in a short film Rossif directed, affirming that acting was indeed his son’s true calling.

Challenges and Bonding

While Rossif has navigated some challenges in his acting career, with projects like *Three Pines* not resonating as hoped, he reflects on the immense support and love from his father. "My father was incredibly generous with me," he recalled, emphasizing their deepening bond as they explored their shared passion for storytelling and character creation.

The Character of Alberg

*Murder in a Small Town* itself is a classic crime procedural but adds layers through character exploration. Rossif's portrayal of Alberg diverges from traditional cop stereotypes, opting for a more relatable character who prefers conversation over intimidation. He dresses in casual attire, showcasing a desire to connect with the community rather than asserting authority through a uniform.

Exploring Vulnerability

Rossif's understanding of vulnerability shines through in Alberg’s character, who is unafraid of emotional expression. "I’m interested in the idea of a cop who can cry, who’s sensitive," he stated, underlining the rarity of such portrayals in television dramas. The relationship between Alberg and local librarian Cassandra, played by Kristin Kreuk, captures the essence of intimacy—emphasizing how true connection often exists beyond words.

Parental Themes in the Story

As the story unfolds, it becomes apparent that both Alberg and Rossif share a longing to reconcile with their children. Rossif noted, "Karl spared his daughters the cruelty of the world he saw in his job," revealing a deep psychological struggle as he attempts to bridge the gap that his work created between him and his family.

Final Years of Donald Sutherland

In his final years, Donald expressed a longing to return to acting but was unable to do so due to health issues. "I really wanted him to play, because it’s what made him happy," Rossif explained, detailing their shared creative moments during this challenging time, which he regarded as a significant gift.

Rossif's Emotional Journey

The poignancy of Rossif's journey is heightened by the loss of his father, as he finds moments of solace in returning to set, which reminds him of Donald. "I haven’t worked since Dad passed, and I don’t know that I’m ready yet,” he admitted, revealing the emotional weight he carries. “But I look forward to being on a set again, because I get to be with him."


As *Murder in a Small Town* continues to weave its narrative, viewers can expect not just thrilling plotlines, but heartfelt reflections on family, loss, and the indelible connections that bind generations together, even beyond the screen. Will Rossif not only honor his father’s legacy but also carve out his own path as a leading man in Hollywood? It’s a captivating journey worth following.