
Are Canadians Making a Costly Mistake by Skipping Travel Insurance? Here’s What You Need to Know!



As the summer approaches, a wave of Canadians is eager to book vacations. However, a recent survey has revealed that many are making a potentially perilous decision to forgo travel insurance in a bid to save money.

Survey Findings

A striking 68% of Canadians surveyed by TD Insurance, in collaboration with Maru Public Opinion, said they plan to travel for leisure within the next year. Yet, disturbingly, about one-third of these individuals are opting out of travel insurance completely, raising concerns about their financial security in the face of unexpected emergencies.

Budget Tightening

Many are tightening their belts, with 78% of respondents admitting they intend to reduce non-essential travel expenses. With 63% planning to cut back on dining experiences and 60% aiming to limit shopping while traveling, the focus is clearly on economizing. Additionally, nearly 30% reported struggling to afford their trips, leaving them potentially vulnerable should something go awry.

Importance of Travel Insurance

Only 32% of those intending to travel will purchase comprehensive travel insurance that covers both emergency medical needs and trip cancellations. Annie Campoli, TD Insurance’s vice-president of Distribution, Life and Health, emphasizes the importance of travel insurance. 'While it may be tempting to skip it, the risks can be considerable,' she stated. 'A good policy can protect you from unforeseen financial burdens, such as medical emergencies or trip interruptions.'

Expert Opinions

John Gradek, an aviation management expert at McGill University, echoed these sentiments. He pointed out that frequent disruptions due to labor actions or delays have left many travelers skeptical about the adequacy of their insurance in real-life situations. 'Passengers might think, 'Why bother with insurance if it won't help me?''

Financial Impact of Trip Disruptions

The survey also indicated that 32% of respondents have faced trip disruptions, resulting in an average financial hit of over $2,600 due to alterations in travel plans or medical emergencies. Gradek strongly advised against skipping travel insurance: 'Insurance is the only safeguard you have against such disruptions.'

Peace of Mind

Campoli further noted that having travel insurance allows individuals to relax and enjoy their vacations instead of constantly worrying about what might go wrong. 'Travel can be unpredictable, no matter how meticulous your plans are. It's crucial to be prepared for the unexpected,' she warned.

Insurance Options

For those concerned about costs, Gradek reassured travelers that various insurance levels cater to different budget needs. From basic airfare coverage to comprehensive all-risk packages, it's possible to find a suitable plan without straining finances. 'In my opinion, medical insurance is essential and should not be viewed as an optional expense.'


In a world where travel disruptions are increasingly common, the decision to skip travel insurance could lead to significant financial headaches. Canadian travelers need to weigh the short-term savings against the potentially large long-term consequences. Remember, when it comes to your vacation, don’t let your eagerness to save lead to a costly mistake!