
New Dashboard Launched in Northwest Territories to Monitor COVID-19, Flu, and RSV: What You Need to Know!


The Government of the Northwest Territories (GNWT) has unveiled an advanced visual dashboard aimed at tracking COVID-19, Influenza (Flu), and Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) across several key communities, including Behchokǫ, Fort Simpson, Fort Smith, Hay River, Norman Wells, and Yellowknife. This user-friendly tool empowers residents by providing them with crucial visual data, such as clear graphs and statistics, to help them stay informed about the viral trends impacting their community.

What the Dashboard Offers:

- Virus Presence Monitoring: Up-to-date data on COVID-19, Flu, and RSV levels.

- Detection Level Indicators: Categorization of virus presence as High, Moderate, Low, or Not Detected.

- Wastewater Analysis: Insights from wastewater sampling conducted over the past year.

This new initiative is crucial, especially as we head into colder months when respiratory viruses typically surge. The GNWT’s wastewater monitoring program, which plays a vital role in this dashboard, is partially funded by the Public Health Agency of Canada. The program involves collaboration between several departments, including Health and Social Services, Environment and Climate Change (Taiga Environmental Lab), Municipal and Community Affairs, the National Microbiology Laboratory, and local Northwest Territories communities.

The Importance of Wastewater Monitoring

Weekly samples collected from participating communities help to detect virus activity early, allowing health authorities to act swiftly while keeping residents updated. This serves as an essential public health tool, enabling officials not only to respond to potential outbreaks but also to share vital information that can help individuals protect themselves during this tumultuous health landscape.

Residents are encouraged to utilize the dashboard to stay vigilant. Simple protective measures, such as getting vaccinated against the flu and COVID-19, practicing frequent hand hygiene, and adhering to stay-at-home protocols when feeling unwell, are highlighted as effective ways to mitigate the risk of viral transmission.

For those interested in accessing the dashboard and exploring more about wastewater monitoring practices, visit

Stay Informed and Stay Safe!

This innovative tool equips Northwest Territories residents with the knowledge necessary to navigate ongoing health challenges confidently. Make sure to not miss out on essential updates that can help you and your loved ones stay healthy this season!