
Shocking! Pickering Councillor Faces Harshest Penalty Amid Controversy



In a dramatic turn of events in southern Ontario, a councillor from Pickering has received a staggering 90-day pay suspension — the most severe penalty allowed under current municipal regulations. This decision was prompted by the municipality’s integrity commissioner, who criticized Coun. Lisa Robinson for her pattern of 'unacceptable behavior' that endangers marginalized groups.


This is not the first time Coun. Robinson has faced disciplinary action; this suspension marks her third since last September. Despite the penalties, Mayor Kevin Ashe has expressed skepticism regarding whether this latest consequence would truly change Robinson’s conduct. He explained, “I hope that the distraction of Coun. Robinson’s behaviour will hopefully be put in the rearview mirror. I’m not confident that will happen.”

Councillor's Defense

The rogue councillor is not taking the situation lightly. In her defense, Robinson vehemently denied the integrity commissioner’s findings, labeling the report 'full of lies' and suggesting that her colleagues are orchestrating a 'witch hunt' against her.

Call for Legislative Changes

As the drama unfolds in the city located just east of Toronto, the mayor and his fellow councillors are pushing for changes to the Municipal Act, seeking stronger sanctions against councillors who engage in harmful actions. They have already written to Premier Doug Ford and the municipal affairs minister about what they term a 'glaring loophole.' Ashe insists, “I think it should be a legislative priority,” hoping for a legal framework that would allow for the removal of errant councillors.

Minister's Response

Meanwhile, Municipal Affairs and Housing Minister Paul Calandra has stated that he is willing to consult with the integrity commissioner before proposing any legislative changes.

Previous Incidents

Notably, Coun. Robinson's troubles have roots that go back to last year. She first faced scrutiny after social media posts led to accusations of cyberbullying. Following this, she drew condemnation for inflammatory comments linking herself to a 'modern-day slave' due to her punitive measures.

Controversial Remarks

Further investigations revealed alarming remarks she made critiquing drag queen storytime events and the raising of Pride flags — findings that Robinson has continually denied, despite being branded as homophobic and transphobic. Just recently, she suggested that an LGBTQ+ advocacy group’s inclusion in the local Santa Claus parade would not be appropriate for children, fueling public outcry.

Social Justice Views

Additionally, Robinson has been controversial for her views on social justice issues, publicly denouncing Black History Month in an op-ed. These comments have been compounded by further complaints against her, alleging a blatant disregard for the council’s code of conduct.

Far-Right Appearance and Backlash

The turmoil escalated when Robinson appeared on a far-right online talk show, where hateful rhetoric was directed at fellow councillors, prompting more backlash from her peers. She has issued apologies and claimed she condemned the host’s comments, insisting on her support from a segment of the community.

Looking Forward

As Robinson continues to battle allegations and scrutiny, Mayor Ashe remains hopeful for future civil discourse within the council. 'Never in my wildest dreams would I think that this would happen in my city,' he stated, reflecting on the unprecedented discord.


This ongoing saga raises significant questions about governance, accountability, and the essence of public service in Pickering. With the future uncertain, many are left wondering if the council can indeed find a way forward or if this intense drama will continue to unfold.