
From Teachers to Financial Titans: How One Toronto Couple Turned $150,000 into $2 Million in TFSAs with Tax-Free Dividends



In the ever-evolving landscape of investing, few stories shine as brightly as that of Paul and Elizabeth, a Toronto couple who transformed their modest surplus savings into a staggering $2 million, generating $15,000 a month in tax-free dividends through their Tax-Free Savings Accounts (TFSAs).

Initial Investment and Strategy

With an initial capital of $150,000 amassed by 2019, the couple wisely recognized that traditional saving methods yielding less than 1% interest were not adequate, particularly given the looming challenges of taxation and inflation. Instead, they embarked on a strategic investment journey focused on dividend-paying stocks.

Turning Point

The turning point for Paul, 46, and Elizabeth, 42—who both work as teachers—came during the tumultuous economic climate brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic in early 2020. The simultaneous price war between Russia and OPEC caused oil prices to plummet, creating a unique opportunity in the markets.

Research and Investment Choices

Armed with extensive research, Paul explored investment websites, industry publications, quarterly reports, and presentations in the energy sector, ultimately settling on junior oil and gas stocks as his investment strategy. While initially eyeing larger companies such as Ovintiv and Canadian Natural Resources, he shifted his focus to smaller, undervalued firms that promised better percentage growth potential amid the chaos.

Key Investments

One of his key investments was Peyto Exploration & Development Corp., trading at just over $1 per share at the time. Known as Canada’s lowest-cost natural gas producer, Peyto had manageable long-term debt and a history of stable cash flow, leading Paul to invest $69,500 from his TFSA. Elizabeth followed suit, investing her TFSA funds in Peyto and Crew Energy, creating a diversified energy-focused portfolio.

Growth in Dividends

Despite an early reduction in dividends from Peyto, the company’s recovery allowed it to increase its payouts significantly, from a mere penny per share in 2020 to 11 cents per month today. As the couple capitalized on additional TFSA contribution opportunities in early 2021, they amplified their stakes in these growth stocks.

Future Prospects

With upcoming developments in the Canadian energy sector—such as the impending completion of the Trans Mountain Expansion and LNG Canada—Paul is optimistic about the continuation of strong performance within the industry. He predicts that natural gas will remain a critical energy source for at least another decade, countering the widely held belief that a swift transition to renewable energy will occur.

Diversification and Caution

Now, as they prepare for a future with even greater returns, Paul and Elizabeth intend to become more diversified by incorporating utilities and Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) into their portfolio—though they remain cautious in their approach.

Expert Opinion

Financial adviser Warren MacKenzie praised their strategy, stating that it’s a rare accomplishment to turn a $150,000 investment into $2 million in such a short span. He noted the importance of their risk tolerance, given their stable professional backgrounds.


Paul’s journey underscores the benefits of informed decision-making and strategic investing, revealing that education is not just for the classroom but can lead to remarkable financial success when applied wisely.