
Heated Exchanges at Georgia Election Board Over New Hand-Counting Rule: Is Democracy at Stake?



The Georgia State Election Board meeting erupted into tension on Monday as Republican members defended a contentious new rule mandating hand-counting of ballots on Election Day. This controversial decision has raised concerns about potential delays in election results and has been met with fierce opposition from Democrats on the board.

The Vote

In a narrow 3-2 vote, three members aligned with Donald Trump pushed the hand-counting mandate through, while a Democratic member and an independent GOP-appointed member voiced strong disagreements. Critics argue that this added step could hinder the timely reporting of results during a pivotal presidential election in a battleground state.

Reactions from Former President Trump

Former President Trump expressed his approval of the move and praised the board members responsible for the rule. However, the approval has sent shockwaves through the political landscape, highlighting the deepening divisions within Georgia's election governance.

Board Members' Heated Exchange

During Monday's meeting, Dr. Janice Johnson, one of the Republican board members, vehemently defended the board's actions, dismissing media portrayals as alarmist and unfair. "The narrative being spun is nothing short of a scary fairy tale," Johnson stated, urging for calm and rationality in the face of what she deemed standard election processes.

The exchange quickly turned heated as Janelle King, a newly appointed Republican board member who has a media background, confronted Sara Tindall Ghazal, the only Democrat on the board. King's remarks came in response to Ghazal’s recent appearance on MSNBC, where she questioned the motives behind the new rule. The back-and-forth escalated as Ghazal expressed concerns that the board was acting unlawfully as indicated by the state’s Attorney General, Chris Carr, who had raised alarms about the legality of the board’s proposed changes.

Legal Concerns Raised

Carr's office indicated that the new hand-counting rule might exceed the board's boundaries and could conflict with existing election laws, potentially making any changes vulnerable to legal challenges. Adding fuel to the fire, a letter from a lawyer representing Georgia's Secretary of State also criticized the new requirements, citing the impracticality due to poll workers' prior training.

Struggle for Order

As tensions flared, John Fervier, the board's chair appointed by Republican Governor Brian Kemp, struggled to restore order, emphasizing the importance of addressing internal disagreements respectfully and privately. "Public sniping does not reflect well on our board," he noted, attempting to rein in lawmakers who seemed more interested in political point-scoring than collaborative governance.

Broader Implications

Moreover, the reshaping of the election board signifies a greater trend in which members who have expressed doubts about the legitimacy of the 2020 election are now in authoritative positions influencing voting rules and procedures, raising questions about the operational integrity of elections in Georgia.


With the 2024 elections looming on the horizon, the discord within the Georgia State Election Board highlights the growing partisan divide over election integrity and the potential implications for voters in one of the most critical states in the presidential race. How will this affect public confidence in the electoral process? Only time will tell as the board grapples with its future decisions.