
The Unforgettable Adventures of Hunting in Ontario's Cutovers


The Unforgettable Adventures of Hunting in Ontario's Cutovers

If you're an avid hunter, you know that the landscapes shaped by the forestry industry, particularly cutovers, hold a special place in your heart. Each cutover is unique, tucked away with memories that can last a lifetime. For many, these areas transform hunting into an unforgettable experience, painting a vivid tapestry of excitement and nostalgia.

The Nostalgic Beginnings of My Hunting Journey

Reflecting on my early hunting days, I remember the 1980s vividly. It was a time when my family—especially my father, Gord Ellis Sr.—began hunting deer around the Nestor Falls region. The logging industry was booming, leading to abundant cutovers that were ripe for exploration. My father and his friends taught me early on that positioning ourselves at the edges of these freshly cut areas was a surefire way to spot deer. On many occasions, we would organize pushes through dense brush to drive deer into clearer spaces, offering us frontline seats to nature’s drama.

I can’t forget one particular day when my father initiated a bush push while I took my post behind a sizable stump, strategically placed near a well-known deer trail. As he stirred the underbrush, my heart raced in anticipation. Soon enough, deer emerged below the trail—a sight I’ll always treasure, even if it was solely does I encountered that day.

The Cycle of Nature: Deer Come and Go

Over the years, I learned that cutovers often act as transitional zones for wildlife. After logging, deer populations fluctuate, often relocating to adjacent wooded areas. An example of this occurred in the late 2000s, when extensive harvesting of red pine led us to discover a newfound density of deer and impressive bucks nearby. Hunting these transitional spots presented an exhilarating opportunity, enabling both my father and me to connect with some magnificent specimens during this period. However, like nature itself, these moments are fleeting; once the trees are stripped and the habitat changes drastically, the deer also seem to vanish, leaving hunters with hopeful anticipation for their eventual return.

Moose: The Elusive Giants of the Cutovers

For those who hunt moose in Ontario, large cutovers are often seen as prime territory. These open areas provide the leafy vegetation that moose thrive on, attracting them in droves. Yet, it’s a common misconception that hunting in these ideal spaces is easy. For hunters, moose can be particularly savvy, often evading hunters' best efforts.

During one memorable hunt near Upsala, we discovered a feeding ground rich with moose tracks and signs of fresh feeding. However, despite our careful approach, moose have an uncanny knack for slipping away unnoticed. I vividly recall spotting a dark silhouette in the willows but losing it in the blink of an eye as it gracefully vanished into the distance.

Cherished Moments in Nature

Nature, however, has a way of rewarding patience. On another moose hunt, I carefully navigated a tote road connecting a sizable cut with a smaller "winter cut." This quieter area was bursting with new growth and fresh signs of moose presence. As I scanned the edges with my binoculars, the thrill of anticipation enveloped me. Suddenly, a bull moose caught my eye, standing perfectly still just 50 yards away.

With a deep breath, I took aim, and moments later, harvested a beautiful young bull. While getting the moose out was no easy feat, the proximity of the cut allowed for the use of an ATV, making the task a bit more feasible.

Enduring Memories and Anticipation for the Future

Every hunt in these cutovers has etched itself into my memory, blending joy, anticipation, and a deep connection to nature. As we venture forth into the woods, we carry with us a legacy of experiences and an endless hope for more incredible encounters in the seasons to come.

So here's to the cutovers—where unforgettable memories await and the thrill of the hunt beckons with every visit. Whether you're a seasoned hunter or new to the game, these mesmerizing landscapes promise stories to tell for years ahead. For those eager to explore the world of big game and the stories they hold, the adventure truly begins beyond the cutover edges!