
Emily Bennett's Courageous Battle Against Hodgkin's Lymphoma: A Teen's Journey of Hope


Emily's Journey Begins

Emily Bennett was on top of the world. Freshly graduated from Northlands Parkway Collegiate, she had achieved excellent grades, embarked on an unforgettable trip across Europe with her friends, and received the thrilling news of her acceptance into Brandon University's prestigious Music program.

In her own words, she cheerfully remarked, "Everything was just looking so bright, and I was having a great summer babysitting and making the best of it." However, the seemingly perfect summer took a sharp turn when, in July, Emily began waking up with unsettling hives all over her body. Initially dismissing it as an allergic reaction, her condition quickly deteriorated when the medication failed to alleviate her symptoms.

A Life-Altering Diagnosis

As the weeks progressed, Emily felt increasingly unwell—her energy drained, skin ghostly pale, and heart racing. She vividly describes her experience at the Boundary Trails Health Centre's emergency room, battling disbelief as the doctors delivered the life-altering diagnosis: Hodgkin's Lymphoma. "When you're sitting in the ER and telling yourself it can't be cancer, only to hear 'This is lymphoma,' it leaves you numb,” she recalls. “I convinced myself that this wasn't cancer, and yet, it was."

Support and Gratitude

With heartfelt gratitude, Emily acknowledges the exceptional care she received from the doctors and nurses at Boundary Trails and Health Sciences Centre, who made the beginning of her medical journey as comfortable as possible. "I felt at ease during my whole stay," she adds, highlighting the emotional strength provided by her healthcare team.

Advocacy and Community Support

Emily recognizes that facing cancer is a daunting journey, but she emphasizes the vital role of support—whether through prayers, encouraging words, or even baking soft, comforting foods that are especially appreciated by chemotherapy patients. She passionately advocates for vital cancer resources like South Central Cancer Resource, Candlelighters Childhood Cancer Support Group, and Cancer Care Manitoba, which helped her navigate this challenging experience and provided invaluable support to families like hers.

A Call for Blood Donations

Obsessed with the power of community and compassion, Emily calls for blood donations from eligible individuals, a simple act with the potential to save lives. Although she longs to donate blood herself, her diagnosis inhibits her from doing so. Nevertheless, she hopes to inspire others to give blood in her stead.

Finding Strength in Community

A beacon of resilience, Emily opens up about her experience. "It’s OK to talk about it. Cancer is scary, but discussing it makes it less daunting," she states. She believes that breaking the experience down into manageable pieces can transform the battle into something conquerable. "Having good friends and positive experiences around you makes facing it all a bit easier."

Emily draws her strength primarily from her family—her mother, who rushed her to the ER; her father and brother; and even friends who have moved away for university. Alongside a supportive community, she finds solace through her Instagram account, @emily_vs_hodgkins_lymphoma, where followers share messages of encouragement, and she proudly celebrates those who donate blood in her honor.

Looking Forward

As she contemplates her future, Emily declares, "I think about a lot of things I'll do when I'm in remission. It helps me get through those long chemotherapy sessions. There is a life for me beyond my diagnosis." With optimistic determination, she believes this journey will only make her a better adult, friend, student, and person.

A Symbol of Hope

In the face of adversity, Emily Bennett stands as a symbol of hope, reminding us all of the strength inherent in community support, self-advocacy, and the belief that brighter days are ahead.