9 Essential Tips to Make Your Cervical Cancer Screenings Comfortable and Stress-Free
Author: Liam
Visiting the doctor for cervical cancer screenings can feel like just another item on a never-ending to-do list, but many women avoid these crucial appointments for specific reasons. A recent NHS survey revealed that around 62% of individuals are deterred by nerves, while 42% feel embarrassment regarding the process. Alarmingly, enrollment in cervical cancer screenings is declining, with The Eve Appeal, a leading gynaecological cancer charity, reporting that 36% of those invited didn’t attend their screenings in 2023-2024, a rise from 32% in the previous year.
Cervical cancer screening is a life-saving practice that prevents approximately 5,000 deaths annually in the UK alone. In an effort to support women during Cervical Cancer Prevention Week (January 20-26), The Eve Appeal is raising awareness about the adjustments you can request before and during screenings, enabling a more comfortable experience. A key takeaway? Knowledge is power. Understanding your rights could significantly impact your decision to take this essential test and help in the ultimate goal of eradicating cervical cancer.
Though many women report their smear tests as relatively tolerable, feeling some discomfort or anxiety around the procedure is common. It's crucial to communicate any concerns with your healthcare provider at any stage of the process. Here are nine adjustments you can ask for to ensure a more comfortable screening experience:
1. Request a Smaller Speculum
Shockingly, 77% of individuals are unaware that they can request a smaller speculum, the tool used to open the vagina for swabbing. Don't hesitate to ask for a more comfortable size if needed.
2. Book a Double Appointment
Did you know you could schedule a double appointment? This allows for more time during your screening, alleviating the rush and stress that comes with feeling you need to hurry through the process.
3. Bring a Support Person
Consider inviting a trusted friend, family member, or carer to accompany you. Having someone by your side can provide emotional support and help facilitate communication with your healthcare provider.
4. Distract Yourself with Audiobooks or Music
If you find doctor visits anxiety-inducing, you might try listening to an audiobook or music during the procedure. Inform your provider about your plan to zone out as the examination takes place.
5. Try Different Positions
You no longer need to be confined to lying on your back during a smear test. Regulations introduced in 2020 allow you the option to lie on your left side with knees bent, which may be more comfortable for some individuals.
6. Customized Information
Don't hesitate to ask for information in an Easy Read format or in your preferred language. Tailoring the information to suit your understanding can help ease your nerves.
7. Female Medical Professionals
You have the right to request a female nurse or doctor for your screening. Many individuals feel a sense of comfort with female practitioners during sensitive procedures.
8. Request Lubrication
While the speculum should be adequately lubricated for insertion, you can always ask for additional lubrication if needed. Increased comfort during the procedure can make a world of difference.
9. Self-Insertion of the Speculum
Finally, you have the right to ask to insert the speculum yourself. This can give you a greater sense of control over the situation, easing any anxieties you may have.
Remember, taking proactive steps to ensure comfort during your cervical cancer screenings can significantly enhance the experience, making it a less daunting part of life. Prioritize your health and don’t hesitate to ask for what you need. Together, we can make cervical cancer a thing of the past!