
Unusual Work Etiquette: Singaporean Worker Gets Grilled for Arriving Too Early!


The Surprising Office Saga

In a surprising twist to the typical office saga, one employee in Singapore found himself on the receiving end of his boss's frustration—not for showing up late, but for arriving too early to work!

The Worker’s Perspective

Posting on the popular Reddit forum r/askSingapore, the anonymous worker candidly shared his unusual situation, which unfolded on September 22. He explained that he prefers to arrive at work early to maximize productivity and enjoy the quieter morning hours. In his view, the peaceful environment before the hustle and bustle of the day helps him stay focused and complete tasks without distractions.

The Boss’s Reaction

“Back at the office, my boss has a booming voice, and the entire workspace can hear him when he’s on one of his rants,” he remarked, highlighting the challenges of working in a small office. Despite the company’s flexible work policy, allowing employees to clock in anytime between 8:30 AM and 10:30 AM, his boss was less than thrilled with his 8:00 AM arrival.

Perplexing Criticism

Instead of appreciating the worker's dedication, his boss reportedly remarked, “Come so early for what? No one is here. No teamwork. It is the same as working from home.” This left the employee perplexed and eager to know if others faced similar situations. “In my experience, I’ve only had bosses who reprimand me for being late, not early. Has anyone else faced this?” he queried online.

Responses from the Reddit Community

The Reddit community quickly chimed in, offering support and anecdotes. One user sarcastically commented on the perceived jealousy of the boss, suggesting, “He’s just envious that you’re working harder than him!” Another added a practical viewpoint, questioning the boss's understanding of the flexible schedule and suggesting a conversation about the traffic benefits of arriving early.

Advice for Dealing with Inflexible Bosses

Some users divulged their own strategies for dealing with inflexible bosses, advising the early bird to negotiate or, if necessary, consider other employment options to protect their mental health. “If your boss insists you must come in at 9:30, reason with him. If he is still unreasonable, you might have to look for a new job,” one Redditor wisely noted.

Modern Workplace Dynamics

While the phenomenon of being scolded for arriving early might be rare, it sheds light on the complexities of modern workplace dynamics and the importance of communication about work preferences. The thread serves as a reminder that employee productivity and job satisfaction can often clash with management’s traditional views on working hours.

Conclusion and Reflection

So, what do you think? Is it fair to criticize someone for being proactive at work? Or should employers embrace their employees’ initiative, regardless of the clock?