
Tragedy Strikes: Singaporean Hawker Dies Just Steps from Tour Bus in China


In a heartbreaking turn of events, a holiday to China took a tragic toll on a family as Xie Tianci, a dedicated hawker from Singapore, passed away during a tour. Xie, 69, was the proud owner of Ah Hua's Kitchen Econ Bee Hoon and Nasi Lemak in Tampines, where he served delicious meals for over 35 years before passing the business to his children.

Traveling with a group of 87, Xie and his companions were in Urumqi, Xinjiang, when disaster struck on September 11. The tour group had just visited the scenic Sailimu Lake, and things seemed to be going well until Xie suddenly collapsed just two steps away from their tour bus.

His wife, Chen Zhuhua, recounted the tragedy: 'I heard someone calling me, saying my husband had fallen down.' She rushed to his side, finding him face down with blood seeping from his nose and mouth. Despite her attempts to revive him and call for help, it took a distressing 30 minutes for an ambulance to arrive due to the remote location, and tragically, Xie succumbed to his injuries shortly after.

The news devastated Chen and their family. Xie’s youngest son, 29-year-old Xie Jielong, flew in from Singapore at 3 AM, navigating multiple flights and a long car journey to retrieve his father's body. The family faced additional challenges because Xie was born in Malaysia and held Singapore Permanent Resident status, leading to prolonged administrative processes.

Ultimately, Xie Tianci's body was repatriated to Singapore on September 20, delayed by the Mid-Autumn Festival. He is scheduled for cremation, as the family grapples with their sudden loss.

Reflecting on her husband, Chen described him as a reserved man with a heart full of love. Married for 47 years, the couple had a history of companionship and travel, with plans for numerous trips in the upcoming months, including Gentle, Norway, and Harbin. Chen lamented, 'Life has lost its meaning without him.'

As the family begins to piece together their new reality, they are filled with gratitude for the support received from local authorities, as well as the Singaporean and Malaysian embassies.

This tragic event serves as a somber reminder of the unpredictability of life, especially when it involves cherished moments spent with loved ones away from home.

For anyone planning travels, it’s a poignant reminder to cherish each moment, as one never knows what the next hour may bring.