
Singapore's Senior Minister Urges Public Servants to Stay Impartial Amid Political Changes



SINGAPORE – In a pivotal address on September 17, Senior Minister Lee Hsien Loong emphasized the vital role of the public service in Singapore’s governance while urging its members to maintain political impartiality. Speaking to over 850 public servants at the Annual Public Service Leadership Ceremony at The Star Theatre, Lee highlighted the complexities of navigating the political landscape while fulfilling public service duties.

Importance of Political Impartiality

As Singapore embraces a new generation of political leaders alongside evolving global challenges, Lee stated that public servants must be well-versed in the political context to execute effective policies. However, he made it clear that they must remain detached from political squabbles and party politics to uphold the integrity and impartiality expected of the public service.

Relationship Between Public Service and Political Leadership

"We have seen this relationship between public service and political leadership evolve," Lee remarked. "Good governance, driven by effective policies and sound politics, is critical for Singapore's steady progress." He described the public service as a diligent body that designs and implements policies essential for the nation’s success.

Role of Ministers

Lee also underscored the need for political leaders to grasp the policies thoroughly, asserting that ministers should not solely operate in a ceremonial capacity. "To execute their roles effectively, ministers must possess a deep understanding of the policies they oversee," he affirmed. This dual approach can foster effective political decisions and responsible governance.

Fiscal Policy and Governance

A key aspect of Lee's message was the importance of maintaining a disciplined fiscal policy. He pointed out that while other nations succumb to populism and short-term fixes to satisfy immediate political pressures, Singapore has historically taken a prudent route. "Our government's commitment to sustainability and financial prudence has allowed us to deliver high-quality public services," he stated.

Goods and Services Tax Adjustments

Furthermore, he referenced the upcoming adjustments to the Goods and Services Tax (GST) as a demonstration of the difficult yet necessary political decisions required to support an aging population. This decision involved a two-step increase in the GST rate, reflecting the need for careful consideration and public engagement.

Call for Unity

"We must remain united in our approach to tackle looming challenges, whether they pertain to public transport, immigration, or income inequality," Lee urged. The call for collaboration is especially pertinent as the political landscape grows more competitive, with potentially slimmer electoral margins that could constrain decision-making.

Adapting to Global Pressures

Recognizing that Singapore faces significant internal and external pressures, Lee warned that the evolving global climate requires continual adaptation in governance practices. "As expectations from citizens rise, so must our commitment to deliver effective, long-term solutions to meet their needs," he added.


In conclusion, the ceremony also welcomed a new cohort of 30 public service leaders, as civil service head Leo Yip paid tribute to Senior Minister Lee's leadership. He called for the public service to have a clear vision that prioritizes the nation's best interests above organizational silos.

"Being politically sensitive while providing honest advice to our ministers will be paramount as we navigate the complexities of governance in the years to come," Yip asserted.

With increasing demands from Singaporeans and a rapidly changing landscape, the collaboration between public servants and political leaders is more crucial than ever, ensuring the continuation of Singapore's legacy of effective governance.