
Rider's Rude Response Sparks Outrage as Woman Calls for Consideration in Busy Singapore



In a recent incident that has sparked heated discussions on social media, a Singapore woman highlighted the need for mutual respect among residents and food delivery riders. Jen Lim took to the COMPLAINT SINGAPORE Facebook page to recount her frustrating encounter with a foodpanda delivery rider who allegedly dismissed her request for consideration.

The Incident

On September 22, Ms. Lim described her experience, acknowledging the pressures that food delivery drivers face in their fast-paced jobs. She expressed her hope that riders would reciprocate the same understanding towards the public, especially in situations requiring shared space.

According to her post, the delivery rider had parked his motorcycle in a designated area meant for passengers to alight from vehicles. As her in-laws were arriving, Ms. Lim politely asked the rider to move his bike to the designated motorcycle parking area. Unfortunately, her request was met with a rude response, as the rider allegedly told her to “get lost,” and merely shifted his bike to the side—still blocking the path.

Call for Reciprocity

Ms. Lim emphasized the importance of reciprocity in understanding, stating, “If you want us to be understanding, you must also be understanding.” She accompanied her post with photos showing the food delivery bike obstructing pedestrian access.

Public Reaction

Her story resonated with many on the platform, leading to a flurry of comments. Several users condemned the rider’s behavior, with one urging Ms. Lim to report the incident via the OneService app for government oversight, and another suggesting it be reported to the National Environment Agency (NEA). The conversation took a broader turn, as some lamented the decline of courtesy in Singapore, recalling the days when the nation prided itself on being a model of politeness, especially under the leadership of founding Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew.


This incident shines a light on the ongoing discourse about shared spaces and mutual respect in bustling urban environments. As Singapore continues to grow, many are left wondering if the emphasis on the hustle and bustle is overshadowing the community spirit that once defined the city-state.

Further Comments

The Independent Singapore has reached out for comments from both Ms. Lim and foodpanda to gain further insights into this situation.