
How a Young Man is Battling His Parents’ Dangerous Fear of Spending - Could This Happen to You?



In an alarming scenario that has sparked conversations online, a Singaporean man recently shared his struggle to shift his elderly parents' extreme frugality mindset, which is now jeopardizing their health. Taking to the r/askSingapore subreddit on September 20, he candidly expressed his concerns about his parents’ refusal to spend money, even on necessary medical treatments.

The Impact of Extreme Frugality

'Does anyone else have elderly parents who refuse to spend money to the point that it compromises their health?' he posed, revealing that their thriftiness had escalated since their retirement. The couple's deep-seated fear of running out of savings has led them to adopt severe cost-cutting measures. They primarily rely on instant noodles for meals and actively avoid seeking medical help, believing that these sacrifices will help preserve their finances.

Generational Disconnect

The man also highlighted an alarming generational gap in understanding economic changes, particularly inflation. 'They constantly compare the price of things to what it was in their time. They’ll say, ‘We cannot buy this anymore since it was half the price last time.’ I mean, yes, but that was about 30 years ago?' he lamented. This outdated mindset is causing further tension, especially as the cost of living in Singapore continues to rise.

Frustrations of a Concerned Son

Despite the financial support offered by him and his siblings, their parents cling to their habits of saving money. Efforts to provide basic necessities often end up in disputes, as the parents deem these actions as wasteful.

Seeking Medical Help

The man expressed frustration over persuading them to visit the doctor. 'It’s difficult to force them to see a doctor when they’re sick, not to mention health screenings,' he stated, revealing that they dismiss warnings about the long-term financial repercussions of neglecting their health.

Community Responses

In response to his plea for advice on the forum, several Singaporeans chimed in with suggestions. Many noted the daunting challenge of altering an elderly person's ingrained mindset. 'Take them to the doctor and tell them ‘the government is paying,’ one Redditor recommended. Others shared creative strategies such as downplaying the costs of groceries or fabricating stories about lucky draws for holidays to circumvent their parents' frugal mentality.

The Debate on Approaches

Yet, not all commenters supported this deceptive approach. Some advocated for honest discussions, urging the son to have a heartfelt conversation with his parents about their finances. 'How people spend money connects to deep-rooted fears and compulsive behaviors,' one user articulated.


This situation raises broader questions about the mindset of older generations toward money and health. As living costs continue to escalate, elderly individuals fearing financial instability may inadvertently jeopardize their well-being. The growing trend of elderly thriftiness is something society must address, as it can lead to detrimental outcomes for both health and quality of life.

Call to Action

Have you ever encountered a similar situation? How do you think families can effectively address fears surrounding money and health?