
FairPrice Group Surprises 12,000 PSLE Students with Healthy Breakfast Bundles!


SINGAPORE: In an incredible show of support for students, supermarket operator FairPrice Group distributed 12,000 breakfast bundles to Primary School Leaving Examinations (PSLE) candidates this year!

This generous giveaway took place on Friday, September 20, and Saturday across 131 Cheers and FairPrice Xpress convenience stores nationwide.

Who was eligible?

Primary 6 pupils who presented their student card or PSLE examination slip were eligible to redeem a “Cheers Breakfast Club” bundle, valued at over S$20 (US$16). Each pack was filled with a selection of breakfast essentials, ranging from milk, cereal, wholemeal bread, and kaya to healthy snack options like snack bars, canned tuna, Milo, and Brand's Essence of Chicken.

Response from students and parents

Aspiring achievers were eager to grab their breakfast bundles, with nearly 9,200 packs claimed on the first day alone! By 5:30 PM on Saturday, all bundles had been completely redeemed, highlighting the excitement surrounding this initiative.

"I had my eye on the Milo beverage!" exclaimed one delighted student at the Cheers outlet in AMK Hub. Parents echoed similar sentiments regarding the positive impact of this initiative on their children's focus during intense study sessions. "With exams around the corner, this breakfast package will certainly help energize them," said one mother, standing alongside her 12-year-old daughter.

According to Ms. Michelle Chang, another parent at the location, "This is a fantastic initiative as next week is their study week. My child adores some of the items in this bundle, which will motivate him to work harder."

Nutritional considerations

In crafting these bundles, FairPrice Group, Singapore’s leading supermarket chain, undertook careful consideration of the nutritional needs of students. Group CEO Vipul Chawla emphasized the importance of physical and mental well-being during the PSLE period, stating, "Good nutrition is the key to maintaining a healthy balance of both and we hope to give the kids something to cheer about."


Chawla further explained, "Our goal was to curate a selection of delicious and popular foods that would provide students with a strong breakfast to help them face their day." With the PSLE written examinations starting next week, from September 26 to October 2, this initiative may just be what students need to start their exams on a high note!

As part of an ongoing effort to support academic excellence and well-being among students, FairPrice Group’s thoughtful gesture certainly fosters a sense of community and encouragement among Singapore’s young learners. Keep an eye out for more initiatives that prioritize student wellness!