
Fury Erupts Over Disgraced Surgeon Ian Paterson's Move to Open Prison


Disgraced Surgeon Set for Open Prison Transfer

Disgraced breast surgeon Ian Paterson is set to be transferred to an open prison, igniting outrage among his victims and their families. Paterson, who was sentenced to 20 years in prison in 2017, is infamous for performing unnecessary surgeries, with over 60 deaths being linked to his negligent practices.

Victims’ Families Outraged

The announcement of his transfer to a Category D open prison has been described as “a kick in the guts” by relatives of his victims. One liaison officer representing a victim expressed frustration, revealing that they were not informed about Paterson’s impending transfer, leaving them unable to voice their concerns or sentiments regarding the decision.

Ministry of Justice Responds

In response, a spokesperson from the Ministry of Justice has issued an apology for the lack of communication, acknowledging the distress this oversight has caused.

Shirley Moroney's Testimony

Shirley Moroney, whose sister Marie Pinfield tragically died after being operated on by Paterson in 2006, spoke out about her devastation. Marie underwent a corrective procedure due to Paterson's botched surgery, but a delay in her subsequent chemotherapy and radiotherapy contributed to her developing secondary lung cancer. Marie passed away in October 2008.

Calls for Justice

Reflecting on the situation, Moroney highlighted the perceived injustice of Paterson's easy transition to an open prison, likening it to a street thug receiving leniency after committing grievous bodily harm. “It feels like a scandal. Someone who has manipulated and harmed countless lives is being granted softer treatment, while others are not afforded the same respect,” she said, vowing to reach out to her MP to advocate for the decision to be overturned.

Petition for Reversal of Decision

In light of the controversy, a petition has emerged, rallying support to reverse the decision to move Paterson. Meanwhile, communication from the liaison officer indicated uncertainty about when exactly Paterson would be relocated.

Ongoing Fight for Justice and Accountability

As this distressing situation unfolds, many are calling for justice and accountability, urging authorities to reconsider their approach to criminals who exploit their positions of trust within the medical field. The inquest into the deaths linked to Paterson's care is expected to commence on October 7, promising to shed further light on the grim consequences of his actions.

As advocates for the victims strive for justice, the fight against medical malpractice and for victim support continues—a fight that many believe has only just begun.