
Beyond Gravity: The Hidden Forces Shaping Our Solar System!


Author: John Tan


Ever since Isaac Newton laid the groundwork for our understanding of gravity, we’ve marveled at its dominating influence in the solar system. Gravity is indeed the glue that holds together our celestial neighborhood, orchestrating the majestic orbits of planets, moons, and other cosmic bodies. However, a new paper from David Jewitt at the University of California reveals that the dynamics of our stellar system are far more complex, showcasing a symphony of other forces at work.

Non-Gravitational Forces

While gravity reigns as the primary force dictating the structural integrity of our solar system, recent research uncovers that celestial bodies are also influenced by intriguing non-gravitational forces. One of the most exciting findings is related to comets: as they approach the sun, the intense heat causes ice to sublimate directly into gas, creating a recoil effect that can nudge these celestial wanderers off their expected paths.

Imagine this: just like a bullet fired from a gun, when the gas escapes from a comet, it carries momentum that pushes the comet in the opposite direction! This fascinating process highlights Newton's third law of motion: every action has an equal and opposite reaction. It's a captivating reminder of how even minute forces can reshape the motion of massive bodies in the cosmos.

Radiation Pressure

In addition, the paper delves into the role of radiation pressure—this is the force exerted by sunlight on particles in space. When photons collide with cometary dust and gas, they transfer momentum, effectively pushing them away from the sun. This interplay not only creates the beautiful, shimmering tails of comets but can also gradually alter their orbits over time.

Torque from Mass Loss

Moreover, Jewitt’s work emphasizes the significance of torque from mass loss and introduces other relevant forces that can act on smaller celestial bodies, presenting a comprehensive view that is accessible even to laypeople intrigued by astronomy. However, it’s essential to note that the study simplifies some complexities by assuming circular orbits, an approximation that allows for clearer insights despite the irregular shapes and elliptical paths of real celestial bodies.


This groundbreaking research opens avenues for further exploration, suggesting that our understanding of the solar system may evolve as we continue to uncover the intricate and often hidden forces at play. We might not be able to see these forces, but they are undeniably there, pushing and pulling our cosmic neighbors in ways that defy traditional gravitational expectations.

In an era where much of space exploration focuses on understanding our solar system, this study serves as a reminder of the interplay of forces that not only governs the movement of planets but also the mesmerizing dance of comets and asteroids through the dark abyss of space. Now is the time to look beyond gravity and explore the dynamic forces shaping our universe!