
Tragic Death of Mentally Ill Man at the Hands of Hong Kong Police: A Family's Heartbreaking Story



In a heart-wrenching turn of events that has captivated public attention, the family of a mentally ill man, identified as Lee, is grappling with an unimaginable loss after he was shot and killed by police in Hong Kong.

The Final Days

Siu, Lee’s mother, recounts the agony of the last two weeks, haunted by memories of her son and the tragic day that forever altered their lives. On September 15, Siu was in her North Point apartment preparing dinner when she even heard her daughter-in-law comforting Lee, who was having a panic episode related to his schizophrenia and panic disorder. A devoted mother at 68, Siu had been a rock for her son, who had been battling mental illness for over seven years.

The Incident

Just moments before the chaos erupted, Siu attempted to calm Lee, suggesting he sit and rest. But things took a sudden turn when Lee, upon approaching his mother, struck her in the face, sending Siu to the floor with a broken arm. In an attempt to protect herself, she retreated to the bathroom while her daughter-in-law locked herself in the bedroom and called for help, fearing for both their lives.

The call triggered a rapid police response; within minutes, officers arrived equipped with batons and shields. Siu witnessed her son pacing in the living room, distressed but unarmed. As she pleaded with the officers to show restraint given Lee's mental health struggles, tragedy struck mere moments later.

In a shocking development, police reported that Lee charged at them wielding a knife and scissors, leading to a fatal confrontation that left him gunshot wounded in the chest. He was pronounced dead shortly after 10:30 PM. The police defended their actions by stating they acted in accordance with their training, but many are questioning the necessity of lethal force in this situation.

Family's Outcry

The outcry from Lee's family has been profound. His widow expressed deep regret for calling the police seeking help for a medical emergency, not the death of her husband. Questions have surfaced about why non-lethal methods, such as using pepper spray, were not explored before resorting to deadly force.

Advocacy for Change

Mental health advocacy groups are demanding reforms in how authorities handle crises involving psychiatric patients. Experts suggest better training for police to prepare them for dealing with individuals suffering from mental illnesses. In Hong Kong, where mental health services have faced scrutiny for their limited reach, families often lack awareness of the resources available or the avenues they can pursue for help.

Lee's Legacy

Despite Lee's struggles, his family described him as a loving, kind man who had been determined to seek treatment, continuing to attend psychiatric appointments and regular injections. Unfortunately, the systemic failures in mental health care in Hong Kong meant that his condition had taken a concerning turn just weeks prior to his death, leaving family members desperate to intervene and help him.

Public Reaction and Future Implications

The tragedy has ignited heated debates online, with some voicing support for police actions while others decry the unnecessary loss of life. Renowned clinical psychologist Amos Cheung emphasized that individuals with mental illnesses are not inherently violent and often become victims themselves, underscoring the need for compassionate responses from law enforcement.


Lee's family continues to wrestle with their grief and seek justice for a life cut short. As they navigate the legal proceedings that lie ahead, they implore society to foster understanding and compassion for those living with mental illness.

"This isn’t just about my son," Siu said with tears in her eyes. "It's about all the families like ours. We need to change the way we treat the mentally ill—because when you kill one person, you extinguish the hope of a family."

As the investigation into the incident unfolds, the community at large watches closely, hoping this tragedy will lead to necessary reforms in police protocol and heightened awareness of mental health issues in Hong Kong.