
Stranded in Uganda: Alberta Man Faces a $30K Hospital Bill and a Race Against Time



An ordinary work trip to Uganda spiraled into a nightmare for Colin Crane, a man from Edmonton, Alberta, who finds himself facing an overwhelming $30,000 medical bill at Medipal International Hospital in Kampala. With no travel medical insurance, Crane hasn't been able to leave the hospital, which has become his unwelcome home for over two months.

The Beginning of the Nightmare

In June, Crane embarked on his journey to Africa as an independent contractor. Everything seemed to be going smoothly until he fell seriously ill just weeks later. Symptoms such as difficulty sleeping, breathing, and eating prompted him to seek medical attention, only to discover the shocking diagnosis: severe malaria.

Medical Complications

Linda Wefila, the principal nursing officer at the hospital, explained the gravity of the situation. “If left untreated, severe malaria can cause organs to start shutting down due to its complications,” she stated. True to her words, Crane's kidneys failed, necessitating dialysis, and his condition worsened as he slipped into a coma for an agonizing six weeks.

A Harsh Reality

When Crane finally regained consciousness, he had a grim realization: he was tethered to an array of intravenous bottles and completely immobile. His initial belief that he would only be in the hospital for a short stay quickly crumbled as he faced the stark reality of his mounting medical expenses.

The Financial Burden

Hospital staff informed Crane that the bill was already at $30,000, with plans for it to increase the longer he remained. While the hospital offered a ray of hope with a potential payment plan if he could cover half of the bill, Crane struggled to fathom how he could do so without any insurance coverage.

Expert Opinions

Travel expert Martin Firestone weighed in on the situation, labeling it a cautionary tale for travelers worldwide. He stressed the importance of obtaining medical insurance before traveling abroad, stating, 'One slip and fall or a car accident can leave you financially devastated.'

Potential Solutions

Fortunately, the hospital's willingness to negotiate a payment plan has brought a glimmer of hope. Firestone advocated for Crane to negotiate the bill down significantly before agreeing to a payment plan.

Government Assistance

Meanwhile, Global Affairs Canada has stepped in to provide Crane with 'consular assistance,' although they are tight-lipped about the specifics, citing privacy reasons. Desperate for help, Crane has reached out to the community via a GoFundMe page, hoping that generous supporters will alleviate his financial burden and facilitate his return home.

A Message of Hope

“I appreciate all the help I can get,” Crane expressed, his voice laden with hope and gratitude.

Importance of Timely Recovery

As he continues to recover—an ordeal expected to last up to two more months—Wefila stressed the need for timely discharge to aid his rehabilitation. 'Staying in the hospital for a prolonged period is counterproductive for recovery,' she advised, highlighting the importance of transitioning back to life outside the hospital environment.


Crane's harrowing experience serves as a powerful reminder to travelers: securing medical insurance is not just a precaution; it’s a necessity that can make all the difference in an emergency.