
Considering the Shift to Online-Only Banks? Uncover the Benefits and Risks You Need to Know!



In the modern banking landscape, many Canadians are contemplating the leap to online-only banks, lured by the idea of lower fees and higher interest rates. For Jessica Morgan, a financial educator and founder of, making the switch over a decade ago was a savvy financial decision born from necessity. “I needed to save money after graduation, especially after losing my student account perks,” Morgan noted. “I didn’t want to pay for banking when I could get it for free online.”

The Rise of Digital Banking

The rise of digital banking has taken the financial world by storm. Traditional banks are bolstering their online services, yet many Canadians still cling to the familiarity of brick-and-mortar establishments. Natasha Macmillan, director of everyday banking at, identifies a strong loyalty factor, saying, “A significant number of Canadians have stuck with the same bank for years, simply because it’s what they know.” This comfort, however, may hinder customers from exploring the myriad benefits digital banking can offer.

The Switching Process

Switching to a new lender involves more than just a quick online signup—it often entails cumbersome paperwork and extensive research to select the right bank. As Macmillan explains, “You still need to invest time to ensure your online-only bank meets your needs.”

Data Security Concerns

Data security remains a prominent concern. Many consumers grapple with apprehensions about the safety of their funds in a virtual environment. Morgan frequently encounters questions such as, “What if I need help?” or inquiries about accessing essential services like cash withdrawals and certified cheques. For instance, when she was in the throes of purchasing a house, she faced delays in acquiring a certified cheque, ultimately turning to her husband’s traditional bank for a swift solution.

Benefits of Online Banks

Nevertheless, online banks often beat traditional banks in terms of interest rates and lower fees on products such as savings accounts, thanks to their streamlined cost structures. EQ Bank, for example, offers a high-interest chequing account without everyday banking fees. “These savings are directly passed onto our customers,” says Mahima Poddar, group head of personal banking at EQ Bank. However, it’s crucial to note that while withdrawals can be made at ATMs, customers cannot deposit cash directly into their accounts, a significant consideration for users who deal heavily in cash transactions.

Trust and Regulatory Assurance

The rise of digital interactions, accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic, has led to a more adaptable consumer base. Canadians are increasingly open to shifting their banking preferences, yet trust in established financial institutions remains paramount. Poddar insists that EQ Bank operates under the same regulatory framework as Canada’s major banks, assuring users that their assets are protected similarly.

Personal Experiences

At 61, Lisa Brandt switched to online-only Manulife Bank and has since enjoyed significant savings on banking fees. “Making this shift has truly put me in the driver’s seat regarding my finances,” she shared. However, she faced challenges when depositing a large cheque from the sale of her house, noting, “It’s not as simple as just walking into a branch; you have to courier it in.”

Trends in Banking Strategy

Despite the growing array of digital banking options, traditional banks still offer a wider variety of financial products, especially for small businesses. Macmillan highlights a trend in which Canadians are diversifying their banking strategies—maintaining their mortgages with larger institutions while transferring their day-to-day banking needs to online platforms. “People are increasingly willing to shop around, looking for the best value for their money,” she stated.


Ultimately, the decision to switch to an online-only bank involves careful consideration of personal financial goals and requirements. It’s about striking a balance between trust, cost-efficiency, and accessibility. As Macmillan puts it, it's crucial to identify what benefits you seek and ensure that your chosen online bank aligns with your financial strategies.

In an age where technology continuously evolves, it pays to stay informed and adaptable. Will you take the plunge into the digital banking realm, or will you cling to the familiarity of traditional banks? The choice could shape your financial future!