
Russia Proposes Controversial Ban on Adoptions from Countries Allowing Gender Change



In a significant legislative move, Russia's parliament has paved the way for a controversial new law that would prohibit adoptions of Russian children by nationals from countries permitting gender changes. The proposition has sparked heated debates surrounding traditional values and human rights.

Legislative Details

On Wednesday, Russia's State Duma overwhelmingly supported this initiative, with a near-unanimous vote of 397 in favor and only one against. The proposed legislation specifically targets countries that permit medical and legal changes in gender, including alterations in official identity documents. This substantial measure reflects the Russian government's ongoing efforts to strengthen what they term "traditional values."


This latest initiative comes on the heels of Russia's previous legislation enacted last year that banned legal and medical gender changes, marking a broader clampdown on LGBTQ rights within the country. Advocates of the bill argue that it seeks to safeguard the welfare of Russian children from what they claim could be harmful environments in NATO-aligned nations that show support for Ukraine amidst the ongoing conflict.

Government Statements

“This decision is aimed at protecting childhood and traditional values,” asserted Vyacheslav Volodin, Chairman of the Duma and a close ally of President Vladimir Putin, after the vote concluded. He elaborated that the measure is intended to shield Russian children from perceived dangers associated with adoption by individuals in foreign nations where gender reassignment is accepted.

Rhetoric and Consequences

The narrative emerging from the Russian leadership paints Western countries as promoting a "sick" agenda, with Volodin denouncing individuals who undergo gender reassignment as “men who yesterday were men and call themselves women today.” This rhetoric has intensified tensions surrounding LGBTQ issues both domestically and internationally.

Impact on Adoptions

The foreign adoption of Russian children has seen a drastic decline since the country enacted a ban on adoptions by U.S. citizens in 2012, a trend exacerbated by the full-scale invasion of Ukraine in 2022. In fact, statistics reveal that only six Russian children were adopted by foreigners in 2023, highlighting the significant downturn in international adoptions.

Next Steps

As the proposed legislation moves forward, it must undergo two more readings in the State Duma and receive approval from the Federation Council before it can reach President Putin's desk for final signing. With approximately 358,000 children currently residing in care homes across Russia, the implications of this ban raise critical questions about the future of vulnerable children in need of families and the rights surrounding international adoption.


Stay tuned as this pivotal situation continues to develop—what does this mean for international relations and the future of adoption in Russia?