
Robbanásszerű fejlődés és digitalizáció a magyar gazdaságban


Szerző: Luca

A digitalizáció forradalma: Átállás a technológiai újítások felé

A Hungarian economy is being impacted by digitalization at a rapid pace: those who do not keep up with innovation and AI development risk falling behind their competitors. This challenge affects not only large companies but also small and medium-sized enterprises, which must keep pace with market trends. Digitalization is not just an opportunity; it is a matter of survival and competitiveness.

The Portfolio Digital Transformation Conference, which will be held on November 14, 2024, is precisely about this. The event will feature renowned experts and business leaders who will share their experiences on how to leverage digitalization to new heights and how the latest technologies are transforming business processes.

A kihívásokkal teli út: Hogyan válhatunk a digitális átalakulás nyerteseivé?

Digitalization operates not only on a technological basis, but it also requires a transformation of organizational culture. The digital competencies of employees need to be developed, and taking into account the transformation of job roles, new roles must be established. Domestic companies need to adopt various strategies to become winners in the digitalization and AI application.

Our goal is to build direct connections with the latest trends and technologies related to digital transformation. Whether it is generative AI or cloud-based solutions, participants can gather numerous useful pieces of information that assist in the digital development of companies and in addressing the challenges of the future.

Don’t miss the opportunity to be among recognized professionals shaping the digital future! Register today and experience the world of digitalization!