
Young Singaporeans Voice Alarm Over Income Inequality and Housing Affordability! Are Their Fears Justified?



SINGAPORE: In a striking street interview conducted by Asian Boss titled "How Do Young Singaporeans Feel About Income Inequality," numerous young citizens revealed their deep concerns regarding the socioeconomic landscape of the nation.

Despite Singapore’s reputation as one of the wealthiest countries globally, it grapples with one of the highest income inequality rates among developed nations. This paradox has left many young Singaporeans feeling anxious and unsettled about their future.

Concerns Over Income Inequality

When questioned about income inequality, many respondents agreed it was a significant issue in contemporary Singapore. One man candidly stated he was forced to take on part-time work just to make ends meet, exclaiming, “Everything is expensive!” This sentiment echoed throughout the interviews, with many citing the struggles of lower-income families who live paycheck to paycheck. The need for higher education to secure good jobs exacerbates the problem, as access to such education is still a luxury for many.

The Housing Crisis

Housing emerged as another common concern. Young Singaporeans are disheartened by the skyrocketing prices of real estate, prompting some to contemplate living with their parents instead of pursuing independence. One respondent confessed, “Singapore is so expensive to buy a house. It’s so bad that I’ve even considered maybe just staying with my mom.”

To navigate the daunting housing market, young locals highlighted the necessity of high incomes and multiple income streams, including side hustles. “It’s challenging,” shared one individual, who pointed out the privilege enjoyed by those with robust family support, enabling easier access to down payments and better housing.

Factors Contributing to Income Inequality

The conversation also addressed why income inequality remains prevalent in Singapore. One aware respondent attributed it to the country’s rapid population growth, suggesting that the influx of newcomers has outpaced job availability, creating intense competition for limited resources.

Hard Work vs. Opportunity

But is hard work alone adequate for climbing the social ladder? Many interviewees expressed skepticism, noting that success often requires not just hard work but also the right environment, connections, and a sprinkle of luck. One individual remarked, “It’s not always about just working hard; it’s a lot about what background you’re from and what cards you’ve been dealt.” This sentiment was echoed by others, who insisted that those from wealthier backgrounds have a marked advantage in achieving success.

Stories of Triumph

Despite such challenges, there are stories of self-made triumphs. One man shared how his father, who grew up in modest circumstances in Malaysia, managed to build a successful career in Singapore. Others pointed out that while some view extreme wealth unattainable, incremental progress, like homeownership and secure employment, remains a realistic aim for many.

Looking to the Future

Looking forward, there’s a blend of optimism and caution among the younger generation. Many believe that contemporary avenues in technology, artificial intelligence, and entrepreneurship provide greater opportunities than those available to their parents. “Today’s opportunities are more diverse,” said one hopeful participant.

The Inevitable Side of Capitalism

However, while income inequality is a critical issue, some point out that it’s an inevitable facet of capitalism. “For there to be winners, there must be losers,” stated one interviewee. Others criticized government support initiatives, arguing that although monetary assistance helps momentarily, it fails to address the fundamental need for sustainable employment solutions.


As challenges continue to mount, some citizens suggest that the pathway toward improvement involves focusing on what individuals can control within their circumstances. “Just count your blessings,” said one thoughtful participant. “If you come from a tough situation, keep working hard, stay focused, and believe better days are ahead.” In the face of mounting pressures, will young Singaporeans find ways to bridge the growing divide, or will these societal issues remain insurmountable barriers? Time will tell, as the future of Singapore’s youth takes shape amid economic challenges and shifting societal norms.