
World Heart Day: Essential Stress Management Tips for Traders and Investors from Dr. Naresh Trehan


As the finance and investment sectors continue to thrive, the professionals working in high-stress environments, such as trading floors, face escalating health risks, particularly related to heart health. Renowned cardiologist Dr. Naresh Trehan, chairman and managing director of Medanta - The Medicity, shares invaluable advice for managing stress effectively on the occasion of World Heart Day.

In an exclusive interview, Dr. Trehan highlighted the alarming trend in India, where individuals are succumbing to heart disease roughly a decade earlier than their Western counterparts. "The problem in India is that we are encountering heart ailments 10 years younger than in the rest of the world," he emphasized, indicating the urgency for lifestyle changes.

Chronic stress carries formidable health risks, including increased blood pressure and a higher likelihood of strokes. Dr. Trehan believes that for traders and investors, who manage significant funds on behalf of clients, mastering stress management is critical. To combat these hazards, he advocates incorporating yoga and Pranayama into one's daily routine.

Dr. Trehan recommends at least 40 to 45 minutes of brisk walking five times a week coupled with a well-balanced diet to maintain a healthy weight. “Aim to keep your weight within 10% of your ideal body weight,” he advises. Moreover, he asserts that while one cannot entirely escape stress, they can learn to neutralize its effects. Engaging in just 10 to 15 minutes of Pranayama daily can noticeably alleviate stress.

To ensure comprehensive health, Dr. Trehan urges individuals to start regular health assessments by age 25, especially if there is a family history of heart disease. “If no risk factors are present by age 30, subsequent check-ups can be scheduled every five years. However, for those with risks, annual or biannual evaluations are crucial,” he noted.

For the general population, he recommends a complete health check by age 30, regardless of family history, to catch any early signs of heart disease, hypertension, or diabetes. The sooner these conditions are detected, the sooner effective interventions can be initiated.

In addition, Dr. Trehan discussed the breakthroughs in medical technology, such as genome sequencing, which can forecast an individual’s risk for lifestyle-related diseases like heart problems, diabetes, and cancer. By utilizing personalized health plans based on genetic insights, individuals can adopt proactive measures against potential health risks.

With these tailored strategies and a proactive approach to health, traders and investors can not only navigate the demands of their high-pressure roles but also significantly enhance their overall well-being. Don’t wait until it’s too late—take charge of your heart health today!