
Why Showing Up Early Could Get You in Trouble: A Singaporean Sees the Dark Side of Flexibility!



In a surprising turn of workplace dynamics, one diligent employee found himself facing the wrath of his boss—not for coming in late, but for arriving too early! This unusual situation was shared on r/askSingapore, a popular Reddit forum, where the employee expressed his confusion and frustration over the matter.

The Employee's Perspective

The worker, who prefers the calm of the early morning hours to tackle his tasks, described how the quiet ambiance helps him concentrate better, free from the usual office distractions. "The office tends to be extremely noisy as the boss talks loudly, and the entire team can hear him. It’s a small office," he noted.

Management's Reaction

Despite the company's flexible work schedule, which permits staff to start between 8:30 am and 10:30 am, his employer was less than supportive. Instead of appreciating the initiative, the boss insisted on a strict 9:30 am arrival time, dismissing early arrivals with, “Come so early for what? No one is here. No teamwork. It is the same as working from home.”

Community Response

This contentious exchange sparked a conversation in the Reddit thread, with many users chiming in to share their thoughts on the situation. Some speculated on whether the boss might be unaware of the company’s own flexible policies, while others offered advice on how to handle the situation diplomatically. "If your boss insists on 9:30 am, explain your reasons for coming early—avoiding traffic and maximizing productivity can be legitimate justifications," one user suggested.

Humor and Frustration

Adding fuel to the fire of this debate, another commenter humorously remarked, “He’s just jealous you’re working harder than him. Later, steal his rice bowl.” The thread continued to unravel various perspectives, with multiple Redditors voicing their frustrations over similar troubling dynamics in their own workplaces.


This incident sheds light on a puzzling issue many face in the modern workforce—are flexibility and personal work preferences actually welcomed, or are they creating unnecessary friction in office culture? With more companies adopting flexible hours to promote work-life balance, this story raises an important question: How can management harmoniously navigate the diverse needs of individual employees while maintaining team cohesion? As companies continue to evolve in the post-pandemic landscape, this situation serves as a reminder for both employees and employers to discuss and clarify their expectations surrounding flexible work arrangements. Could this be the dawn of a new HR challenge? Only time will tell!