
Vigilant Passenger Foils Shoplifting Attempt at Changi Airport: A Story of Swift Justice


Incident Details

In an astonishing incident at Singapore's Changi Airport on September 2nd, a 41-year-old Australian woman was apprehended for allegedly attempting to shoplift perfumes. The woman’s plan fell apart thanks to the sharp eye of a fellow passenger, Ms. Prescilla Yeo Siew Ling, whose alertness not only thwarted the theft but also led to the woman’s arrest before she could board her flight back to Australia.

Ms. Yeo’s Vigilance

While perusing the airport’s retail offerings, the woman reportedly concealed a box of perfume beneath a baseball cap in her shopping trolley. Ms. Yeo, who was also shopping in the store, noticed the suspicious behavior. Her instincts kicked in, and she maintained her focus on the woman, ultimately witnessing her sneak the perfume under her jacket and exit the store without making a purchase.

Swift Action

Realizing the gravity of the situation, Ms. Yeo immediately notified a nearby security officer, who promptly followed the thief into the transit area. Thanks to their coordinated efforts, the police were summoned and quickly arrested the woman before her flight departed, preventing her from making a getaway.

Further Investigation

Upon further investigation, police discovered that the woman had also stolen two additional boxes of perfume from another shop within the transit zone, raising the total to three stolen items.

Legal Consequences

The charge against her is theft in dwelling, which is a serious offense in Singapore, carrying potential penalties of up to seven years in prison, along with hefty fines. This case underscores the nation's commitment to maintaining order and safety, especially in busy transit areas where many travelers come and go.

Recognition for Ms. Yeo

In recognition of her quick thinking and community spirit, Ms. Yeo was honored with the Public Spiritedness Award two days later, on September 18th. Assistant Commissioner of Police (AC) M Malathi, commander of the Airport Police Division, praised her proactivity, stating, “Ms. Prescilla's vigilance played a crucial role in ensuring this serial shoplifter was apprehended swiftly.”

Law Enforcement Commitment

South East Asia has seen a rise in criminal activities targeting airport retail shops, but as AC Malathi promised, law enforcement officials are determined to combat this trend: “We will not allow the perception that individuals committing theft in transit areas can escape by taking the next flight out of Singapore.”


This incident serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of community engagement and vigilance in public spaces. With passengers like Ms. Yeo on watch, airports remain a safer environment for all.