
Unraveling the Secrets of Development and Disease Through Spatial Biology Technologies



In the dynamic field of biological research, spatial biology has emerged as a revolutionary approach to understanding the intricate organization and functions of cells, tissues, and organs. By examining these biological entities in their two- or three-dimensional contexts, researchers can glean insights that traditional methods of studying isolated components simply cannot provide.

Importance of Spatial Biology

Spatial biology is crucial for revealing biological processes. For instance, the activation of genes in specific locations plays a significant role in tissue reorganization during embryonic development— a critical phase for human health—as well as in the progression of various diseases. Traditional single-cell genomic and transcriptomic studies, while incredibly detailed, fail to offer the vital spatial context of cellular interactions, which is essential for a complete understanding of tissue functionality.

Insights from Developmental Biology

As developmental biologist Elie Farah from the University of California, San Diego, explains, “Spatial profiling is important because knowing the cell types within a tissue or organ is not sufficient to understand how it functions; the whole is more than the sum of the parts.” Farah's groundbreaking work has combined RNA-sequencing with advanced imaging technologies to construct detailed maps of cell communities forming essential structures in the heart. The findings reveal how the cellular environment influences specialization and organization, shedding light on congenital defects— a top cause of infant mortality— and prevalent adult heart conditions such as aortic valve disease and hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.

Technological Advancements in Spatial Biology

Exciting advancements in technology have made it possible to study complex tissues through multiple-omics data, as exemplified by collaborative efforts at the Karolinska Institutet in Sweden and Yale University. Researchers, including Prof. Gonçalo Castelo-Branco and Prof. Rong Fan, have recently co-profiled the epigenome and transcriptome at nearly single-cell resolution in both mouse and human brain tissues. “By layering epigenomic and transcriptomic data, we can glean information about gene regulation that is not possible from traditional mono-omics approaches,” Castelo-Branco notes.

Progress in Spatial Transcriptomics

Recent years have seen remarkable progress in spatial transcriptomics, which was named Method of the Year by Nature Methods in 2020. These technologies now allow for extensive coverage of transcripts and high spatial resolution. Researchers use imaging-based methods, which involve microscopy to visualize RNA within tissues, as well as sequencing-based methods, which leverage spatially barcoded probes to identify molecules using next-generation sequencing (NGS).

Methodologies and Limitations

While both methodologies offer unique benefits, they also come with limitations. For example, imaging-based methods rely heavily on microscope capabilities and can only profile a limited number of genes compared to sequencing methods, which alone may suffer from lower spatial resolution. However, researchers are continuously advancing these technologies, developing improved imaging techniques and higher resolution spatial tags, paving the way for enhanced analyses.

Integration of Spatial Multi-Omics

The integration of different data types, or spatial multi-omics, is enabling researchers to delve deeper into the dynamics of gene expression. In a significant study combining single-cell RNA sequencing with spatial techniques, Farah and his team have expanded the understanding of cell types and their interactions in the developing human heart, revealing previously hidden migration signals crucial for heart development.

Research on Autoimmune Diseases

In another major advancement, Castelo-Branco’s research into multiple sclerosis (MS)— a debilitating autoimmune disease— has used cutting-edge microfluidic technologies to analyze spatial relationships between immune cells and brain resident cells during disease progression. Their methodology combines various omics, including chromatin accessibility and histone modification profiling, with RNA sequencing. This innovative approach aims to produce a timeline of molecular events contributing to lesion formation and recovery in MS patients.

Future Prospects of Spatial Biology

Looking to the future, the potential for spatial biology technologies is vast. As researchers refine their techniques, they anticipate the capability to explore larger areas of tissue while collecting various data types within the same cells. The eventual creation of high-resolution 3D and 4D atlases could revolutionize our understanding of development and disease progression.


As Castelo-Branco optimistically states, “Many things we thought wouldn’t be possible a few years ago can now be accomplished; as these technologies become more widely accessible, I expect an explosion of their application throughout life sciences.” With these advancements, spatial biology is set to redefine how we explore and understand human health and disease, offering invaluable insights into the complexity of life itself. The future of disease diagnostics, treatment, and ultimately, the science of biology looks more promising than ever.