
Unprecedented Tsunami Triggered by Massive Greenland Landslide Causes Global Earth Vibrations for Nine Days!



In a stunning natural phenomenon, the Earth experienced continuous vibrations for nine days after a monumental landslide occurred in Dickson Fjord, Greenland, in September 2023. This exceptional event has captured the attention of scientists across the globe as they uncover its far-reaching implications.

The Landslide and its Consequences

The landslide, characterized by a staggering 1.2-kilometer-high mountain peak collapsing into the fjord, not only generated a gigantic wave that reached heights of up to 200 meters but also released a unique seismic signal that puzzled researchers initially.

Experts from University College London (UCL) took a closer look at this event, which they linked to the escalating climate crisis. The melting of glaciers, exacerbated by rising global temperatures, destabilized the mountain and ultimately led to this alarming occurrence.

A Unique Seismic Signal

Unlike typical earthquakes, the geological vibrations from this landslide were continuous and steady in frequency, creating a rhythmic 'hum' that resonated around the world. After intensive analysis involving advanced seismic models and satellite imagery, scientists determined that this hum originated from the movements of water within Dickson Fjord.

The water sloshed back and forth due to the massive displacement caused by the landslide, maintaining this extraordinary vibration for a full nine days.

Expert Insights

Dr. Hicks, a prominent researcher involved in the study, emphasized the complex interrelationships that this event illustrates: 'This landslide demonstrates the intricate connections between climate change affecting our atmosphere, the destabilization of glacier ice, water body movements, and the Earth's solid crust.'

This pivotal finding not only broadens our understanding of geological responses to climate changes but marks a significant first—recording water sloshing as vibrations traveling through the Earth’s crust.

First Documented Incident

Dr. Kristian Svennevig from the Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland stated that this incident marks the first documented landslide and tsunami from eastern Greenland, pointing to the direct and visible impacts of ongoing climate change in the region.

As a landslide scientist, the significance of this study cannot be understated. It showcases how climate changes are already having dramatic effects in eastern Greenland.”


This groundbreaking research offers critical insights into the consequences of climate change and serves as a stark reminder of the dynamic and often unpredictable nature of our planet's processes. As further investigations continue, there is a growing consensus that such extreme events might become more frequent, highlighting the need for global awareness and action against the looming climate crisis.

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