
Unlock the Secret to Better Sleep and Reduced Fatigue: How Supplements Can Transform Your Well-Being



In the high-paced environment of modern life, especially for busy professionals in urban areas like Singapore, the struggle to find a work-life balance is all too real. As you lay in bed at night, your thoughts often drift to the challenging tasks that await the next day, leaving you restless and deprived of much-needed sleep. While practices such as a balanced diet, physical activity, and mindfulness techniques like meditation and yoga can enhance your well-being, many are turning to supplements for added support.

According to Ms. Jade Zhong, a senior nutritionist at JR Life Sciences, the combination of lifestyle practices and supplements can create a powerful synergy that alleviates stress and promotes relaxation.

Introducing Holistic Way’s Nutritional Powerhouses

Holistic Way, a health supplement brand distributed by JR Life Sciences, offers innovative products that can support your journey towards better mental health. Their two popular supplements, Ashwagandha Mood+ and Bio-Elixir Mood Calming Shot, are designed to aid in reducing stress and improving sleep quality. Both products are approved by Singapore’s Health Sciences Authority and are incredibly convenient, available in vegetarian capsules and liquid sachets.

Ashwagandha Mood+: Grounding Energy and Focus

Dubbed the “Prince of Herbs” in Ayurvedic medicine, ashwagandha is a key ingredient in the Ashwagandha Mood+ supplement. Ms. Zhong notes that it’s renowned for its ability to enhance sleep cycles by reducing anxiety and promoting a state of calm. It not only paves the way for better sleep but also supports memory and focus—especially beneficial for older adults.

The Benefits of Ashwagandha Mood+:

- **Boosts Energy Levels:** Users have reported increased energy and improved focus within two to four weeks of regular use. - **Natural Stress Relief:** By calming the nervous system, it stands out as a remedy for stress-induced insomnia. - **Enhanced Mental Clarity:** Alongside energizing components like Eleuthero and Rhodiola Rosea, B vitamins in the formula support optimal energy levels throughout the day.

A Word of Caution: Individuals with high blood pressure should consult with a healthcare professional before taking Ashwagandha Mood+, as it may affect blood circulation.

Bio-Elixir Mood Calming Shot: Elevate Your Mood Naturally

The Bio-Elixir Mood Calming Shot features a patented banana peel extract, enhancing tryptophan metabolism—an amino acid crucial for producing serotonin, often hailed as the “happy hormone.” Ms. Zhong highlights that this can significantly uplift your mood while also aiding in sleep regulation.

Key Ingredients and Benefits:

- **Serotonin Production:** Increases levels of serotonin, which can boost mood and relaxation. - **Relaxing Botanicals:** Infused with traditional herbs like lavender and lemon balm that offer calming effects. - **Muscle Relaxation:** Magnesium plays a significant role in easing muscle tension, promoting a restful state.

For those suffering from anxiety, the calming effects of Bio-Elixir Mood Calming Shot can be felt within just an hour of consumption. However, it is wise to avoid its intake close to bedtime for those sensitive to caffeine, due to its green tea content.

Consult Before You Start: A Responsible Approach to Supplements

While supplements play a beneficial role in fostering better health, Ms. Zhong emphasizes the importance of consulting a healthcare professional before starting any new supplement regime—especially if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or on medication. There’s potential for interactions with antidepressants or sedatives that could lead to excessive drowsiness.

Both Ashwagandha Mood+ (priced at $58 per bottle) and Bio-Elixir Mood Calming Shot (at $39 for a box of 10 sachets) are readily available at pharmacies like Watsons, Guardian, and Unity Pharmacy, as well as on leading online platforms.

Discover the Power of Supplements and Say Goodbye to Sleepless Nights!

Ultimately, integrating supplements into your wellness routine may provide the additional support you need to combat fatigue and improve your quality of sleep. Make the empowered choice today—your mind and body will thank you!