
Unexpected Drama at Singapore GP: Lizard Disrupts Final Practice!


Unexpected Lizard Encounter

In a bizarre twist during the final practice session for the Singapore Grand Prix, a monitor lizard made a surprise appearance on the track, forcing race control to halt the proceedings. The lizard was first spotted at Turn 17 by television cameras, prompting officials to deploy a red flag while marshals diligently worked to escort the creature off the circuit.

Driver Reactions

As the session resumed shortly after the interruption, it became clear that the lizard's unexpected cameo had caught at least one driver off guard. Fernando Alonso, piloting for Aston Martin, reported spotting the reptile in the middle of the track shortly after receiving a heads-up from his engineer to watch for the creature. "It's in the middle of the track," Alonso communicated over team radio before pulling back into the pits.

Lizard Presence in Singapore

The presence of monitor lizards in Singapore is not entirely unusual; they can often be seen roaming the island. Notably, this incident mirrored a similar situation during last year's practice sessions, where yet another lizard caused a delay. The National Parks Board of Singapore notes that although these lizards can be shy, they may become defensive if threatened, recommending that people observe them from a safe distance.

Species Information

In Singapore, there are three native species of monitor lizards, the most prominent being the Malayan water monitor, which can reach lengths of up to three meters. While these lizards do possess venom to subdue their prey, it's important to note that their venom is not harmful to humans. These diurnal reptiles tend to be more active during the day and frequently make appearances around dusk, which could explain their timing during race weekends.

A Humorous History

In a light-hearted twist to a past incident, a particularly large lizard that disrupted practice back in 2016 earned the nickname "Godzilla," thanks to a comment from Max Verstappen's race engineer over the radio to Red Bull Racing.


With the excitement and unpredictability of race day drawing near, fans are eagerly waiting to see what other surprises await—on and off the track. Stay tuned for more thrilling developments as the Singapore Grand Prix unfolds!