
Tragic Death of Mother and Baby Sparks Urgent Call for Mental Health Awareness


SINGAPORE - A Heartbreaking Incident

In a heartbreaking incident, a 33-year-old woman and her one-year-old daughter were found dead after a tragic fall from their Housing and Development Board (HDB) block. The State Coroner, Adam Nakhoda, deemed the mother’s death a suicide and classified her daughter’s death as a homicide, raising serious questions about mental health support in Singapore.

No Signs, But Severe Stress?

Coroner Nakhoda noted that investigations found no suicide notes or indications of suicidal ideations. He emphasized that such tragedies often stem from overwhelming stress and potential undiagnosed psychiatric illnesses, making it crucial for society to approach mental health openly and without stigma.

"Help is always available," he urged, pointing to resources like the Samaritans of Singapore, whose helpline is operational 24/7, providing crucial support for those in distress.

The Family's Experience

The mother, described by her husband as having exhibited a sudden temperament change after the birth of their first son, had previously worked at a hospital before switching to part-time work. In the months leading up to the tragedy, she had confided in her husband, expressing feelings of inadequacy at work despite her employer paying well.

Following her daughter's check-up in August 2023, the mother became increasingly concerned about her daughter's health, worrying about her underdeveloped state. Despite her husband's reassurances, her mental state appeared to fluctuate, oscillating between moments of joy and deep despair.

The Day of the Incident

On the morning of her death, the mother claimed to be ill, and her daughter was reported to have a flu. After the husband left the home with their son, he sent a text message that went unanswered. In a shocking turn of events, the mother dropped her daughter from their flat before taking her own life shortly thereafter.

Upon returning home, the husband found the police cordon and recognized that something had gone tragically wrong.

A Call to Action for Mental Health Awareness

The coroner's ruling has ignited a conversation around the necessity of mental health resources and support for new parents. Family members reported that there were no previous signs of suicidal intent, leading the coroner to express concern that the mother may have struggled in silence.

"This tragedy should serve as a wake-up call for all of us,” Coroner Nakhoda stated, “to engage in thoughtful conversations about mental health, especially during the demanding periods of parenthood."

With rising numbers of mental health cases, the importance of early intervention and open discussions around psychological wellbeing cannot be overstated. Anyone in crisis is encouraged to reach out for help, whether to medical professionals, friends or helplines dedicated to mental health support.

This tragic incident underscores the urgent need for vigilance and understanding when it comes to mental health struggles—because no one should have to face their battles alone.