
They Even Risk Their Lives for a Clean View: Outcry in Singapore Over Domestic Worker Cleaning on High Balconies


Author: Nur


A recent video featuring a domestic worker cleaning a service balcony has gone viral on social media, igniting widespread concerns about her safety. Posted on March 8, the footage depicts a woman precariously crouching on a balcony while scrubbing the floor, prompting many Singaporeans to voice their apprehensions regarding the risks involved in such tasks.

The Viral Video

The video was shared with the caption: 'The neighbor next door... My boss often sees them too. Sometimes, they even climb onto a chair to clean their window. My boss says it’s so dangerous—what if they fall?' This chilling reminder of the precarious work some domestic helpers undertake resonated deeply with viewers.

An Ongoing Concern

In follow-up comments, the individual who shared the clip revealed that this was the third domestic helper to perform such risky cleaning duties; the previous two were Indonesian. 'Communicating with them was easier,' they stated, noting that it allowed them to secretly provide food since the helpers were not eating adequately. The current helper, however, comes from Myanmar, and the language barrier has made it challenging for the observer to offer support or express their concerns over safety.

Community Reactions

Others chimed in sharing their own experiences, with one user recalling how they outright refused their grandmother’s request to clean windows outside due to safety fears. 'I said I didn’t want to because it’s too dangerous. I’d rather clean the inside where I know I’m safe,' they noted, highlighting a shared sentiment among many that personal safety should take precedence, regardless of the tasks assigned.

Systemic Issues

Another domestic worker mentioned having a contract that explicitly states she is only permitted to clean the inside of the windows and that taking on outside tasks could lead to fines. This points to a systemic issue regarding the conditions faced by domestic helpers in Singapore and the expectations placed upon them by their employers.

Pattern of Unsafe Practices

The incident is part of a troubling pattern, as another social media post from December 2024 showed a domestic worker precariously balanced on a balcony railing while hanging clothes to dry. This scenario sparked a similar backlash, with many commenters questioning the unsafe practices that some employers endorse.

Advocacy for Change

In response to these concerns, advocates for domestic worker rights are calling for stricter regulations to ensure the safety and well-being of these workers. As voices come together in support of these helpers, it's clear that more needs to be done to address their working conditions and advocate for their rights.


As Singapore grapples with such incidents, one can’t help but wonder: how many more domestic helpers will have to risk their lives for the sake of cleanliness before significant change is realized? The dialogue surrounding this issue continues to grow, shedding light on the need for greater awareness and protective measures for vulnerable workers in the nation.