
The Hidden Dangers of Raw Milk: Are Americans Aware of the Risks?


Author: Jia


In a startling revelation, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) identified the H5N1 bird flu virus in raw, unpasteurized milk samples from four states in April 2024. Despite the serious health implications tied to consuming raw milk, many Americans remain unaware of the risks involved, particularly when it comes to children's health.

Health Risks of Raw Milk

Research has shown that raw milk can harbor dangerous pathogens such as Salmonella, E. coli, Campylobacter, Cryptosporidium, Listeria, Brucella, and now, the potential for H5N1 transmission.

Public Awareness and Statistics

A recent survey by the Annenberg Public Policy Center (APPC) reveals that while a slim majority of U.S. adults (56%) understand that raw milk is less safe than its pasteurized counterpart, a concerning 44% either doubt this fact or mistakenly believe that raw milk is equally or even more safe.

Alarmingly, only 32% of respondents acknowledged that drinking raw milk increases the odds of contracting a foodborne illness, with many unsure of how it truly impacts their health. Children are particularly vulnerable to the dangers posed by raw milk.

Children's Vulnerability

Surprisingly, two-thirds (66%) of survey participants did not grasp that children face higher risks than adults from the viruses and bacteria found in raw milk. Patrick E. Jamieson, director of APPC's Annenberg Health and Risk Communication Institute, emphasized the importance of pasteurization, stating, "Looking for the pasteurization label before buying or consuming milk or dairy products is a wise choice."

Current Outbreaks and Statistics

As of March 2025, 70 confirmed cases of H5 bird flu have emerged in humans across 13 states, primarily through contact with infected animals. Tragically, one fatality linked to bird flu occurred in Louisiana. The outbreak’s impact has spread far beyond humans, having affected over 166 million birds across all states.

According to the World Health Organization, since 2003, there have been 954 reported cases of avian influenza A(H5N1) globally, resulting in 464 fatalities.

Research on H5N1 Transmission

Studies indicate that mice can contract bird flu through raw milk, raising the question of whether the same risk exists for humans. While the FDA has not definitively concluded that H5N1 is transmissible to humans from unpasteurized milk, a concerning study suggests that it is possible.

Public Perception

The public’s perception regarding raw milk and its risks remains troubling. Only 17% of respondents knew that bird flu had been detected only in raw milk, with a staggering 68% unsure. Moreover, awareness regarding the link between raw milk consumption and increased risk of H5N1 has only marginally improved, with 22% of people now believing that drinking raw milk raises the risk of contracting bird flu.

Advocacy and Counterarguments

Despite the FDA’s insistence that pasteurization effectively kills harmful bacteria and viruses, including the bird flu virus, many advocates for raw milk continue to promote its health benefits. Claims suggest raw milk has more nutrients or can aid in conditions like lactose intolerance and asthma.

However, the FDA counters these claims, asserting that pasteurization does not significantly compromise the nutritional quality of milk.

Regulatory Landscape

The regulatory landscape surrounding raw milk is also perplexing. While the FDA banned the interstate sale of raw milk in 1987, 30 states have since allowed its sale in various forms, creating a confusing dichotomy regarding consumer safety.


As the dialogue about raw milk intensifies, the case for public education grows stronger. With immense potential health risks in play, it's crucial for parents and consumers to become well-informed about the dangers of raw milk, ensuring they make safe and healthy choices for themselves and their families. Stay informed, stay safe, and always choose pasteurized milk!