
The Heartbreaking Reality of Adult Children Supporting Debt-Stricken Parents in Singapore


SINGAPORE: A poignant reality has surfaced on social media as a young Singaporean man shared the struggles he faces regarding his parents' financial situation.

He revealed that while his parents have never explicitly asked him for help, they are burdened with zero savings and are heavily in debt, forcing him into the uncomfortable role of a financial supporter.

“I don’t think my parents actually expect me to fund their retirement, but the fact remains that they have absolutely no savings, and are significantly in debt,” he expressed in a heartfelt post. This reflection brought forth feelings of sadness, as he contemplates his position, likening it to being a tenant living in their home for free, yet feeling a strong moral obligation to assist them.

Despite a relationship that he characterizes as neither particularly close nor estranged, he grapples with the weight of responsibility. “They raised me, and I can’t just leave them to handle their struggles on their own,” he lamented.

His story resonates with many Singaporeans facing a similar predicament.

Numerous users chimed in, sharing their own experiences of parents from the older generation who are ill-equipped for retirement, leaving their children to shoulder the burden. One commenter bluntly stated, “Zero savings, deep in debt. You are their retirement plan.”

Another user echoed these sentiments, revealing that their parents had made it clear they relied on them for financial support, down to an expectation that siblings should band together to provide help.

The discussion opened up to a broader issue faced by many families.

A young woman disclosed that although her parents weren't in debt, they lacked savings, prompting her to allocate around 30% of her salary each month to ensure they are not in financial distress. Others noted similar situations, one asking, “What kind of debt is it? If it’s legitimate debt, there are ways to manage it effectively without putting undue pressure on yourself.”

Although advice flowed in abundance, including suggestions for examining financial habits and exploring ways to reduce expenses, the young man revealed that he and his siblings had attempted to clear their parents’ debts in the past—only to see the situation spiral out of control due to ongoing poor financial management.

To further complicate matters, he expressed frustration over his parents' reluctance to adapt.

pointing out, “I’ve spoken to others in their industry, and they shouldn’t be struggling like this. Maybe they’re just stubborn.”

Some commenters put forth ideas suggesting practical solutions, such as selling their current home for more affordable living options or even relocating to neighboring Johor Bahru, Malaysia, where the cost of living is significantly lower. With a new railway connection set to open in 2026, this option could provide additional financial relief and income through rental possibilities.

As the cost of living in Singapore continues to escalate, with many older citizens failing to prioritize retirement planning, a troubling trend arises.

adult children are caught in a difficult balancing act, trying to secure their financial futures while supporting their parents.

For some, this responsibility is manageable, but for many others, it creates substantial pressure and often leads them to neglect their own financial planning. The reality is heartbreakingly clear: as the burden of parenthood shifts to the next generation, a significant societal question remains—how can families navigate the intricate dynamics of supporting aging parents without sacrificing their financial wellbeing?

This ongoing issue necessitates open dialogue and proactive strategies in addressing the financial literacy and retirement planning needs of Singapore’s aging population.

As the discussion unfolds, it sheds light on the larger implications of societal expectations around family support.