
The Dangerous Game of Lending Money: A Cautionary Tale from Singapore



In a surprising twist of events in Singapore, a man’s goodwill has turned into a contentious dilemma after lending money to a friend who failed to pay it back. The poignant story shared on the crowd-sourced news platform STOMP has resonated with many, sparking discussions about the risks associated with lending money to friends.

The Loan That Led to a Dilemma

Mr. Ang, the Stomper who reported the incident, recounted how he lent S$100 to a friend named Jason last month. Initially motivated by compassion, especially considering that Jason is a father of four, Mr. Ang felt compelled to assist his friend during a financially difficult time. However, what seemed like a simple act of kindness quickly evolved into a frustrating struggle for repayment.

Escalation of Tensions

The situation escalated when Mr. Ang gently reminded Jason about the loan after a month had passed. Surprisingly, Jason reacted with anger, challenging Mr. Ang to come and retrieve the money in person instead of using digital payment methods like Paynow, further magnifying the tension between them.

Dismissive Attitude

Adding insult to injury, when Mr. Ang pressed for answers about why the S$100 wasn’t returned, Jason casually remarked that “feeding the dog is more important.” This dismissive attitude struck a nerve, prompting Mr. Ang to turn to social media to vent his frustrations and seek advice.

Community Response

The online community quickly rallied around Mr. Ang, with many relaying their own tales of experiencing similar issues. The consensus was clear: lending money to friends can quickly sour, leading to loss of both finances and friendships. “When you lend money, it’s very easy, but when you try to collect it back, it’s like climbing a mountain,” remarked one user.

A Cautionary Reminder

The commentary took a darker turn with one user concluding furiously, “Remember, guys, when it comes to money, no one is your friend.” This sentiment underscored a broader societal concern: the pitfalls of financial interdependence between friends.

Statistics on Financial Issues

Statistics show that personal loans, especially between friends and family, often lead to strain in relationships. In fact, studies indicate that about 30% of people who lend money to friends never see it returned, prompting many to rethink their approach to financial assistance.


While Mr. Ang’s situation highlights the emotional toll money-related disputes can take, it also serves as a reminder to be cautious with financial commitments to friends. Should the age-old wisdom of “never mix money and friendship” be taken to heart? As this story reminds us, sometimes the best support one can offer a friend in need is an understanding ear and not an empty wallet.

In the complex world of loans and friendship, navigating these waters requires careful consideration and perhaps a little more caution in the future.