
Teen Diners Stunned by S$536 Bill! Mother Slams Restaurant for 'Unethical' Practices, While Eatery Defends Itself


SINGAPORE: A viral incident involving a mother and her teenage daughter has ignited a heated debate over restaurant ethics. The mother took to social media, criticizing a popular establishment at Boat Quay, Seafood by the River, after her 16-year-old daughter and friends were slapped with a jaw-dropping bill of over S$500, including an astonishing S$356 charge for an Alaskan King Crab dinner.

The controversy erupted when the mother posted a picture of the receipt, revealing that the total for the meal with friends reached S$536.47. The priciest item, the half-sized King Crab, cost S$356.40. In her now-deleted Facebook post on the Complaint Singapore page, she lamented the supposed lack of transparency, questioning why a restaurant would serve expensive dishes to teenagers without clearly communicating the prices beforehand.

“This is outrageous! Who sells King Crab to teens without making sure they understand what they'll be paying?” she wrote. The mother labeled the situation as indicative of "bad business ethics," asserting that it is inappropriate for eateries to exploit young patrons unaware of pricey menu items.

In defense, Seafood by the River has steadfastly rejected the mother's claims. A spokesperson, Kathleen, explained the restaurant had clearly displayed menu prices, noting that the Alaskan King Crab was priced at S$19.80 per 100 grams. Furthermore, she revealed that the group was informed about the total cost of the crab beforehand.

To back up their story, the restaurant referenced CCTV footage showing that the teens were aware of the menu's pricing. They had even taken photos with the live crab prior to it being prepared. Kathleen clarified that when the bill was presented, the teens expressed that the food was "very nice and fresh," and they did not raise any concerns about the price at that time.

This incident raises essential questions about dining etiquette and consumer awareness, particularly when it comes to dining out with friends. How can restaurants ensure transparency while catering to younger customers? Conversely, how can families and teenagers approach dining experiences with a better understanding of pricing?

As the story continues to unfold, it underscores the significance of communication in the food service industry and highlights the need for patrons to inquire about prices, especially for items that could lead to such significant final bills. Whether this encounter will deter teens from indulging in lavish meals remains to be seen as social media fans discuss the implications of this dining drama.