
Singapore Airlines Interviews Under Fire: Are They Choosing Looks Over Logic?


Singapore Airlines Interviews Under Fire: Are They Choosing Looks Over Logic?

In a recent Reddit discussion, a Singaporean user sparked a debate regarding the interview process at Singapore Airlines (SIA), questioning whether it’s "insanely dumb" or if they were simply misunderstanding its criteria. The post, shared on r/askSingapore by user U/Longjumping_Gear3241, revealed a surprising experience during a group interview for a position with the airline.

During their interview, candidates were tasked with responding to the prompt "Why is Singapore a good country?" Surprisingly, the user noticed that the responses varied significantly in depth. One candidate delivered a comprehensive answer focusing on various aspects, including socio-political issues and community belonging. In stark contrast, another candidate provided a simplistic response, stating, "Oh because it's clean and green…" This led U/Longjumping_Gear3241 to feel that the brief answer conveyed uncertainty about the topic.

Ultimately, despite the articulate answers presented by both U/Longjumping_Gear3241 and the well-versed female candidate, neither was offered a job, while the candidate with the less thoughtful response secured a position. This scenario prompted the Redditor to voice their confusion, asking, "What exactly are they looking for in these interviews? Depending on the answer I might be offended."

Responses from fellow Reddit users shed light on the situation. Some suggested that SIA might not prioritize outspoken individuals, as they could disrupt passenger interactions or challenge management directives. One user, whose girlfriend previously worked at SIA, offered insight into the company’s true focus during interviews: voice quality and etiquette rather than the content of the answers.

Another commenter humorously remarked that the airlines seemingly favored attractive candidates, asserting, "They just looking for whoever is most chio la. So obvious." This drew a mixed response about the importance of appearance in customer service roles, prompting discussions about the broader implications of such hiring practices.

Adding more context, a user with firsthand experience as an SIA employee shared valuable tips for applicants. They highlighted that confidence and a calm demeanor could significantly bolster an applicant's chances, suggesting that "just have to talk slower and speak with confidence and you’ll get the job." Despite the attractive salary, which can exceed $5K monthly for flight attendants, they cautioned about the downsides of the job, including high turnover rates attributed to loneliness, toxic work environments, and relationship struggles stemming from the demands of the role.

As applicants navigate the nuances of SIA’s interview process, these revelations fuel a broader conversation about hiring practices in customer-facing industries—should appearance trump capability, or is it time for a shift toward valuing depth of knowledge and character in the hiring process? This ongoing discussion reflects wider societal values and attitudes towards beauty standards, communication styles, and the attributes that truly define a great customer service representative.