
Shocking Videos of School Violence Spark Outrage as Police Investigate Bullying Incidents


Shocking Videos of School Violence Spark Outrage as Police Investigate Bullying Incidents

In a disheartening incident that has captured widespread attention, the Singapore police have launched an investigation into the brutal bullying of a student from Qihua Primary School. A video of the alarming attack, which circulated on platforms like WhatsApp and Telegram, showcases a teenager mercilessly assaulting a smaller boy in the school's stairwell.

The four-minute video depicts the assailant—dressed in a black T-shirt and jeans—aggressively pushing the younger boy into a corner before unleashing a vicious barrage of punches and kicks. Throughout the ordeal, the victim can be heard pleading, “sorry, sorry I won’t do it again,” as the attacker continues the violent onslaught while being taunted by another individual, who is presumably filming the horrific event.

At one juncture in the footage, the bullying teenager provocatively asks, “You want to fight? You sure?” This moment, which shows a clear power dynamic and intimidation, is not only distressing but indicative of a broader issue concerning bullying in schools. The victim's tears and desperate apologies underscore the emotional trauma that such experiences inflict on young children.

While the timeline of the incident remains uncertain, the police confirmed a report has been lodged, highlighting the gravity of the situation. Efforts are underway to gain additional insights, with Qihua Primary School being contacted for more information.

A Disturbing Trend in School Violence

This incident is not an isolated case. Alarmingly, it marks the second violent video to surface in just one week. Earlier, a TikTok video depicting students from Bukit View Secondary School bullying a classmate, again drew significant outrage. The footage showed a group of five teenagers surrounding a victim who was taunted and kicked to the ground. Following this incident, the victim's parents filed a police report, further stressing the urgent need for action against bullying behaviors in schools.

The Ministry of Education (MOE) has stated that it takes any form of bullying very seriously, noting that since 2013, reported incidents have consistently remained at around two per 1,000 primary students and five per 1,000 secondary students. The MOE has emphasized that in response to bullying allegations, thorough investigations will always be conducted to determine the underlying causes, followed by appropriate disciplinary measures to help students understand the serious repercussions of their actions.

In addition to disciplinary actions, support mechanisms are in place to aid both victims and perpetrators in processing these experiences. Counseling efforts are aimed not only at helping students overcome bullying but also at restoring relationships within the school community.

These shocking incidents serve as crucial reminders of the urgent need for increased awareness and proactive measures against bullying. As communities grapple with the repercussions of such violence, parents, educators, and law enforcement must come together to cultivate a safer, more supportive environment for all students.