
Shocking Medical Negligence: Gynaecologist Suspended After Patient's Heart-Wrenching Miscarriage


SINGAPORE: In a devastating case sparking widespread concern, a gynaecologist has been suspended for a year due to gross negligence resulting in a patient's tragic miscarriage following surgery.

The incident involves Dr. Chen Yun Hian Christopher, a seasoned medical professional in obstetrics and gynaecology, who performed a risky procedure in 2013 that led to serious complications for a patient referred to as Ms. C.

The medical council documented that Dr. Chen, who has held his specialist title since 1998 and has been a registered doctor since 1965, showed a shocking disregard for standard surgical practices.

During the surgery aimed at improving Ms. C's fertility, it was revealed that he made an excessively large incision along her uterine wall, removing too much healthy tissue.

In a critical lapse, instead of carefully layering the closure of the uterine defect, he opted for purse-string sutures, which are generally inappropriate for such cases.

Dr. Chen, now 84, admitted guilt to charges of professional misconduct and acknowledged his failure to uphold the professional standards expected of him.

He further neglected to provide informed consent to Ms. C regarding the potential risks involved in the surgery, which is a fundamental requirement in medical practice.

The surgery, which Ms. C underwent in March 2013 after being diagnosed with adenomyosis and polycystic ovaries—conditions that can complicate fertility—initially seemed to offer hope.

However, the reality became harrowing when, in October 2014, she experienced a uterine rupture while in her early second trimester of pregnancy, leading to a heartbreaking miscarriage.

Investigations revealed that a competent surgeon would have made a small enough incision that preserved healthy tissue for a safer recovery and would have closed the uterine wall with absorbable sutures in multiple layers.

However, Dr. Chen’s approach significantly heightened risks for future pregnancies, a serious consequence that could have been avoided with proper technique.

Ms. C lodged a complaint with the Singapore Medical Council (SMC) in May 2016, two years after her devastating experience.

The SMC initially sought a suspension of 24 to 30 months, citing Dr. Chen's extensive experience and responsibility.

While delay in prosecution was acknowledged—due in part to difficulty in sourcing independent expert opinions—the tribunal ultimately ruled on a 12-month suspension, coupled with censure and a financial reimbursement for legal costs.

Dr. Chen's defence team argued that he believed he was acting in the best interests of Ms. C and that he had no malicious intent.

They claimed that his actions stemmed from a misguided belief in the appropriateness of his methods to reduce bleeding and scarring.

This line of defence did little to sway the tribunal, which condemned the level of care provided during the surgery.

This shocking case raises critical questions about patient safety and accountability within the medical profession.

It underlines the necessity of rigorous standards and practices in surgeries that directly impact patients' health and lives.

The discipline and oversight of medical practitioners are crucial in safeguarding against mishaps like this, ensuring that no patient suffers unnecessary harm.

As the medical community grapples with this incident, it serves as a grave reminder of the life-altering impacts of medical negligence, prompting discussions about improving protocols to prevent future tragedies.