
Shocking Findings: Subtropical Forests Face Water Flux Challenges After Snow Damage!



In a groundbreaking study, researchers have uncovered crucial insights into the recovery of water flux in subtropical forests following significant snow damage. Conducted by the scientists at the Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden (XTBG) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, this research shed light on how these vital ecosystems react to extreme weather events, revealing vital implications for future climate resilience.

The Importance of Forests in the Water Cycle

Forests are essential players in the global water cycle, yet the impact of extreme weather on their evapotranspiration processes has been largely unexplored. The latest findings, published in the Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies, focus on the Ailaoshan Mountain National Nature Reserve, a key mountainous area rich in biodiversity and a critical water catchment for the Lancang River basin in Southwest China.

The Snow Damage Event in Ailaoshan