
Shocking Findings Reveal the Risk Factors for Diarrheal Diseases Among Arba’een Pilgrims in Iraq!



The Arba’een pilgrimage, which draws an astounding 17 to 20 million participants annually, is more than just a religious gathering; it's a monumental event that brings together pilgrims from all corners of the globe, predominantly Shia Muslims. Yet, amidst the spiritual significance lies a pressing health concern: the rising incidents of diarrheal diseases among attendees. This article delves into the startling risk factors identified in a recent case-control study conducted during the Arba’een mass gathering in 2023.

The Study’s Findings:

Conducted in Iraq, the case-control study scrutinized 200 outpatients from clinics, including 100 with gastrointestinal symptoms, particularly diarrhea, and 100 controls without these issues. Participants ranged from various demographics with an average age of 38.6 years. The results were alarming: diarrhea was reported in all cases, and a staggering 81% experienced accompanying fever.

Key risk factors associated with the onset of diarrheal diseases included: - Consumption of insanitary (unpackaged) drinking water (Adjusted Odds Ratio (AOR) = 1.95) - Inadequate hand washing practices (AOR = 3.82) - Consumption of ritual foods in uncontrolled environments (AOR = 2.56) - Use of public toilets with poor sanitation (AOR = 1.46)