
Prince Harry and Meghan Markle Face Neighbourhood Jibes: "Elephants Come Here to Die!"


Chilly Reception in Montecito

In the posh enclave of Montecito, California, Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are reportedly experiencing a chilly reception from their neighbours. Since moving to the US in 2020 after stepping down from royal duties, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex have settled into their luxurious multi-million-dollar estate, but it seems their attempts at community integration haven't gone quite as planned.

Frank McGinity's Experience

Frank McGinity, an 88-year-old local war veteran, shared his experience of being dismissed at the gates of the Sussexes' opulent home. McGinity had hoped to share his historical films about Montecito to foster a friendly relationship, but was met with a cold refusal from their security. He recounted, “The gate guy turned me away, saying ‘they're not interested’. I thought they might have wanted to know about the neighborhood.”

Memoir Insights

In his memoir, “Get Off Your Street,” McGinity expressed his surprise at the couple’s choice of residence, noting that the area generally attracts an older demographic, saying, “It’s where the elephants come to die.” He also lamented the couple’s invisibility in the community, stating, “We don’t see them very much around here.”

Community Frustration

Another neighbour, Richard Mineards, echoed McGinity’s sentiments, revealing to The Telegraph that the community is eager to see more of Harry and Meghan, expressing their frustration as they wait for their royal neighbours to engage more with local life.

Concerns from Barry Maher

Barry Maher, another Montecito resident, voiced his concerns to the Mirror about Harry and Meghan's perceived detachment from the community, criticizing their “travelling soap opera” lifestyle. He pointed out that while they reside in a “considerably pricier spot,” their public appearances are few and far between, leaving many residents feeling disconnected.

Financial Implications of Their Residence

Adding further intrigue, a property expert highlighted the staggering costs associated with maintaining the Sussexes' estimated £12 million ($14 million) home. Eric Bramlett from Bramlett Residential explained that such a mansion demands a full-time staff of 10 to 15 members, including cleaners, a personal chef, and security personnel to manage the estate's extensive needs. He projected that yearly maintenance expenses could run into the hundreds of thousands, covering everything from staff salaries to utilities and landscaping.


As the Sussexes navigate their new life away from the royal spotlight, they continue to attract the attention of local residents and fans alike. It remains to be seen whether they will embrace their role within the community or continue to stay away from the public eye. Will Prince Harry and Meghan Markle ever integrate into Montecito's social fabric? Stay tuned, as this royal drama unfolds!