
Nets Services Bounce Back After Disruption: What You Need to Know!


Nets Services Bounce Back After Disruption

SINGAPORE - After a significant service disruption on September 23, Nets, the leading electronic payments provider in Singapore, has announced that its services are 'progressively recovering' thanks to a timely software update.

On September 24, a spokesperson for Nets confirmed that an 'over-the-air software update' was implemented late on September 23 to restore the functionalities of terminals that had faced issues. Initially, around 10:12 AM that day, Nets posted on Facebook alerting users to the temporary unavailability of payment services for debit and credit card transactions.

This disruption didn't just stop at cards; affected terminals were also unable to process QR codes, contactless payments, and PIN transactions, leaving many consumers to turn to cash or utilize the SGQR (Singapore Quick Response Code) system, which consolidates various payment QR codes into a single, user-friendly label.

While Nets has not disclosed the exact number of terminals impacted, they acknowledge that approximately 5% of their terminal network was affected. Proactive measures were taken as their customer service team reached out to impacted merchants, providing assistance during this transitional period.

As of now, the majority of affected services are showing signs of recovery, easing concerns for both merchants and consumers alike. With the growing reliance on digital transactions, events like this underline the importance of robust systems and rapid responses in the payment industry.

Stay tuned, as we continue to monitor the recovery of Nets services and what this means for the future of electronic payments in Singapore. Could this incident prompt changes in the way payment providers manage their systems? Only time will tell!