
My Month-Long Blood Sugar Journey: Surprising Revelations and Emotional Ups and Downs


Staying healthy has always been a priority for me. As someone who predominantly follows a vegetarian diet, exercises regularly, and seeks out sunshine, I felt relatively confident about my health choices. My annual blood work—monitoring cholesterol, vitamin levels, thyroid function, and blood glucose—had always shown positive results. This complacency was abruptly challenged when I decided to use a continuous glucose monitor (CGM) for a month.

The Stelo CGM Introduction

The Stelo, a new CGM that doesn't require a prescription, piqued my interest particularly because traditional CGMs are typically only accessible to those needing insulin or through costly off-label routes for wellness enthusiasts. The ability to track my blood sugar continuously seemed like a great addition to my health routine, despite little existing data on what “normal” glucose levels look like for non-diabetics.

Unexpected Emotional Roller Coaster

After applying the small biosensor to my upper arm, I anticipated straightforward results. However, what followed was an emotional roller coaster that challenged my previously held notions of health. The fluctuations in my blood glucose levels over the month revealed inconsistencies that prompted deeper reflection on factors I had previously underestimated, such as sleep quality, stress management, and the impact of prolonged sitting.

Healthy Meals & Blood Sugar Spikes

As I navigated this new territory, I quickly learned how easy it was for seemingly healthy meals, like a vegetable-packed salad, to spike my blood sugar unexpectedly due to hidden components like high-carb dressings or excessive croutons. The Stelo app allowed me to document my meals and their corresponding glucose impacts, although I found this task daunting at times.

Surprising Patterns and Relationships

Initial days were filled with surprises; for instance, a simple vegan bowl significantly raised my levels, while alcohol surprisingly didn’t. Through this trial, patterns emerged, compelling me to consider the relationship between my food choices and emotional states—stress levels commonplace in a busy workweek could dramatically affect my results.

Dietary Adjustments and Healthcare Insights

About two weeks in, I noted a significant decrease in blood glucose spikes, likely owing to dietary adjustments like incorporating more protein and minimizing sedentary time after eating. However, a nagging concern remained over whether I, like many Americans, might unknowingly be on the road to prediabetes.

Consulting with healthcare experts, I learned that while maintaining blood sugar levels under 140 mg/dL is essential for non-diabetics, occasional spikes may not be as alarming as they seem. Doctors suggested that understanding glucose variability, a topic still under research, could potentially provide insights into long-term health—but it’s essential to approach this data without panic.

Lifestyle Changes and Overall Well-Being

One of my most enlightening moments during this journey was witnessing how small lifestyle shifts—such as a post-meal stroll—could help regulate my blood sugar more effectively without imposing strict diets or calorie counting. More importantly, I became acutely aware of my chronic sleep deprivation, which could sabotage not just my glucose management but overall well-being.

Reflections on a Wellness Awakening

Reflecting on this month-long tracking experience, I realized that the journey wasn't merely about numbers; it was a comprehensive wellness awakening. It highlighted the necessity for balance—not just between diet and exercise but across all facets of life that affect health.

Commitment to Healthier Choices

As I continue my path towards better health, one thing is clear: knowledge is power. The insights gleaned from wearing the Stelo have personalized my health journey. Who knew that those simple changes—like a bit of extra protein and movement—could profoundly influence my body's responses? Moving forward, I'm committed to better sleep, reduced stress, and mindful eating.

Instead of being overwhelmed by the depth of what I uncovered, I choose to embrace this newfound awareness, celebrate small victories, and strive for gradual improvements that impact my lifestyle positively. So, if you’re contemplating blood sugar monitoring, prepare yourself for insights that may just change your approach to health entirely!