
Massive Drug Bust: Indonesian Police Uncover 38,000 Marijuana Plants in Bromo National Park!


Massive Drug Bust in Indonesia

In a dramatic turn of events, Indonesian authorities have made a significant breakthrough in the fight against illegal drug cultivation by discovering 38,000 marijuana plants within the breathtaking Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park in East Java. This operation, conducted on September 24, showcases the challenges law enforcement faces in combatting drug trafficking in Indonesia, a country known for having some of the harshest drug laws globally, including the death penalty for traffickers.

Details of the Operation

Robert Da Costa, the Director of Drug Detection for East Java Police, revealed that the illegal plantation stretched over approximately 1.5 hectares of rough mountain terrain, specifically chosen to evade law enforcement detection. This covert operation has reportedly been in motion since January 2024, with some of the plants already harvested while others were still growing.

Initial Discovery

The initial discovery was made on September 19 when local police stumbled upon 453 marijuana plants on the slopes of Mount Semeru in the Argosari village. What began as a small investigation quickly escalated into a full-scale operation, leading to the uncovering of expansive fields of marijuana plants measuring between 1.5 and 2 meters tall.

Arrests and Investigations

Police efforts intensified, resulting in the arrest of four suspects as the investigation seeks to pinpoint the masterminds behind this robust drug network. While the identities of those arrested remain undisclosed, authorities are working vigorously to dismantle the broader operation and apprehend all involved parties. Da Costa emphasized the importance of local community involvement, stating that residents provided critical tips that aided in the investigation.

Indonesia's Stance on Marijuana

Despite international trends towards marijuana legalization, Indonesia remains staunchly opposed to both recreational and medical marijuana use. The plants discovered are believed to have been intended for local distribution within East Java rather than export.

Discovery of Processing Facility

In a twist of fate, police also uncovered a well-concealed processing facility amidst the dense forestry of the national park, where at least 10 kilograms of dried marijuana were confiscated. Local authorities are now expanding their search operations, convinced that additional fields may still be hidden throughout the rugged landscapes of the park.

A Historic Seizure

This monumental bust is reminiscent of previous operations across Indonesia, including a 2022 seizure in North Sumatra where 50,000 cannabis plants were eradicated. As the battle against drug cultivators continues, Indonesian authorities remain resolute in their commitment to ensure that those who break the law face stringent consequences.


Stay tuned for more updates as this story develops and authorities continue their relentless pursuit of justice in the fight against drug trafficking!