
Malaysia Secures Exclusive Rights to Mao Shan Wang Durians Until 2034! Here's Why It Matters!



In a significant move for the agricultural sector, Malaysia's Intellectual Property Corporation (MyIPO) has renewed the local intellectual property protection for the Musang King durian, widely known as Mao Shan Wang, extending its protection until March 12, 2034. This extension reaffirms that the Mao Shan Wang durian is a distinctive Malaysian brand, preventing its usage by other countries.

Government Announcement

Agriculture and Food Security Minister Mohamad Sabu announced this development during the launch of the Durian Technology Package book on September 19 in Serdang, Selangor. He emphasized that the variety, recognized as a 'special brand,' is shielded under geographical indication (GI) laws, which associates it with a specific geographical origin and the unique qualities that come with it.

Geographical Indications Explained

The Mao Shan Wang durian was initially registered under these protections in March 2014. The World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO) describes geographical indications as critical for products that derive their quality, reputation, or other distinct characteristics from their location of production. This system safeguards the brand by granting rights to those using the designation, thereby preventing misuse by unrelated products.

Market Demand

The international prominence of the Mao Shan Wang durian has surged, particularly in markets like China. Recently, Malaysia exported approximately 40 tonnes of various durian types to the country, with the Mao Shan Wang commanding a staggering price of RM350 (approximately S$108) each—a reflection of the high demand and its premium status. Minister Mohamad Sabu articulated the potential of durians as more than mere fruits; they are emerging as a lucrative export opportunity, especially as Malaysia strengthens its ties in the Chinese market.

Encouragement for Farmers

To support this booming industry, the minister encouraged durian farmers to enhance their cultivation techniques to maintain the quality that the brand is known for.

Legal Perspective

The protection of the Musang King name is crucial for safeguarding the interests of Malaysian farmers, as stated by lawyer Mark Teng, who specializes in intellectual property law.

Significance of Renewal

Teng explained that this renewal not only maintains the integrity of the Musang King brand but also prevents the market infiltration of non-Malaysian varieties falsely marketed as Musang King. He highlighted that such protections significantly bolster local businesses and preserve the rich heritage associated with this beloved fruit, which has gained a cult following both domestically and internationally.


As young food enthusiasts and culinary experts continue to explore the world of exotic fruits, the renewed protection of the Mao Shan Wang durian signals a golden era for Malaysian agriculture, showcasing its role in the global fruit market. If you haven't tried this creamy delicacy yet, now might be the perfect time to dive into the world of durian greatness!