
Just Broke Up After BTO Selection? Here’s What You Need to Know – A Singaporean’s Guide


Author: Jia

The Significance of Securing a Home in Singapore

Securing a home in the densely populated landscape of Singapore is a significant milestone for many young couples. When couples receive the long-anticipated news regarding their Build-To-Order (BTO) application, it often marks one of the happiest moments in their lives.

The Unexpected Turn

But what happens when that happy chapter takes an unexpected turn, like a breakup? This is the dilemma faced by a woman who recently took to Reddit seeking guidance after ending her six-year relationship, which crumbled under unfortunate circumstances involving infidelity.

Navigating the Transition Alone

The couple had eagerly selected a flat and paid a S$2,000 option fee—an exciting step towards building their future together. However, after her boyfriend cheated on her, which she discovered through a direct message from the other woman on Instagram, she found herself needing to navigate this turbulent transition alone.

A Glimmer of Hope

Fortunately for her, they hadn’t progressed to making a down payment yet, and they hadn’t received their Housing and Development Board (HDB) grant. This provided her with a glimmer of hope: the possibility of extricating herself from a situation that had suddenly turned sour.

Urgency to Cancel Application

As she sought answers, she expressed her desire to promptly cancel their flat application. The fear of further interactions with her ex over the grant process added urgency to her situation. “I want to get this over and done with ASAP before the grant comes in,” she stated, underscoring her resolve to move on.

Community Support and Advice

The advice she received from fellow Redditors was both sympathetic and practical. Many directed her to the HDB website, which offers a straightforward process to cancel their application. One user clarified that since they hadn’t signed the Sales and Purchase Agreement, the S$2,000 would indeed be forfeited, a loss she seemed willing to accept to regain her personal peace.

Understanding the Implications

Moreover, it's essential to note that, in accordance with the regulations, once they forfeit their application, she would be barred from applying for another BTO for a year and lose priority status afterward, as they had already withdrawn from their first flat application.

Embracing Freedom

However, the online community reassured her that her experience is far from unique. “Think of it as S$2,000 spent to avoid a much bigger nightmare in the future,” one commenter sagely advised. Many echoed this sentiment, encouraging her to embrace her newfound freedom, with one person referencing her situation as having dodged a 'mega bullet.'


Navigating a breakup is never easy, but for young homeowners in Singapore, understanding the implications of such a split on their housing plans is crucial. As painful as it may be, walking away from a toxic relationship could ultimately lead to better opportunities ahead.