
Job Offer Revoked After Candidate Asked Questions: An All Too Common Nightmare



In a shocking turn of events in Singapore, a job candidate found himself in an unfortunate situation after his employer revoked a job offer mere hours after he signed the contract. The frustrated individual took to the social media platform Reddit on September 20, sharing his story and seeking advice from the online community.

The Candidate's Experience

The candidate had received a job offer on a Tuesday and, wanting to ensure he understood the intricacies of his potential new role, thoroughly reviewed the contract. With a response deadline set for Thursday, he prudently formulated questions regarding employee benefits, including inquiries about the carryover of unused annual leave and any available flexible perks such as dental coverage and fitness allowances.

After receiving satisfactory answers, he felt confident enough to sign the contract and promptly resigned from his existing job, looking forward to a promising future. However, to his dismay, just a few hours later, he received a startling phone call from the employer revoking the job offer. The reason provided? His inquisitive nature regarding the benefits.

Community Reactions

Stunned and perplexed, the candidate reached out to both the recruiter and the company in hopes of understanding why this had happened. He expressed disbelief, questioning the legitimacy of their actions.

This situation, though rare, resonated with other Singaporeans who shared similar experiences on the Reddit thread. Users recounted instances where job offers were rescinded, often without just cause. One respondent shared, 'It's becoming more common now, and unfortunately, it’s not something you can challenge through TAFEP (Tripartite Alliance for Fair and Progressive Employment Practices) or the courts. My only option was to leave detailed reviews on platforms like Google and Glassdoor to warn others.'

Another Reddit user added, 'I also encountered this issue for asking 'too many questions.' It seemed like the hiring manager felt threatened—looking back, I'm grateful I didn't end up there.' The consensus among many was that as long as a candidate hasn’t officially started working, companies face minimal repercussions for retracting offers.

Advice for Future Candidates

Recognizing the precariousness of the situation, some users advised the candidate to try to retract his resignation from his previous job while he continues searching for a more stable opportunity. 'Unfortunately, your options are quite limited,' one commented. 'You can attempt to reclaim your old position or keep hunting for something better.'


This unfolding saga serves as a cautionary tale highlighting the need for transparency and respect in the hiring process. It also raises important questions regarding the treatment of candidates and the potential consequences of fostering a corporate culture where questioning is discouraged.

As job markets fluctuate and candidates become more educated about their rights, it is clear that both candidates and employers must approach the hiring process with integrity and respect to avoid such distressing experiences in the future.